Beth: Correction. Three tropes.
Evie: How three?
Beth: 1. Falling in love with your best friend.
Beth: 2. Marriage of convenience.
Beth: 3. Forced proximity / shared bed.
Amiel: Not to mention, they've also touched on a bunch of other ancillary tropes such as injured athlete, small town romance, etc.
Hannah: It's truly wonderful that my love life can so easily be dissected and broken down into romance novel tropes.
Beth: Now THAT is how you deliver sarcasm.
My eyes go wide.
Oh, my goodness. I did it. I actually did.
For the first time ever, I was sarcastic.
Even if it was in a WhatsApp message, it totally counts.
Summer: Can I ask a question?
Hannah: It's always scary when a lawyer asks permission to ask a question, but sure, go ahead.
Summer: Was there any other reason you didn't tell us you'd slept with Culver?
Hannah: You mean for fear of being excommunicated by you all and being burned at the stake now that I’m no longer a member of the exclusive Vinaigrette club?
Summer: Exactly.
Hannah: Honestly, I was a little nervous about it. I don't want it to change our dynamic in any way.
Evie: Honey, it won't. We don't judge and tear down other women for the choices they make. We support each other. We look out for each other. And we communicate. If we have a concern or an opinion, we're free to voice it. But at the end of the day, all I want is for you to be happy.
Beth: I agree.
Summer: Same.
Amiel: Why am I such a slow typer? Same.
Hannah: Thanks. You guys are the best.
Evie: We really are. So…what now?
Hannah: With me and Culver?
Evie: Uh-huh.
Hannah: We're staying married so the media doesn't sniff around and uncover the fact we only got married so Culver could score an inheritance.
Evie: And then…? You guys are together for real, right?
Hannah: We are. We're just not labeling anything.
Summer: Spoken like a true Gen-Z-er.