"Just make sure you haven't peaked too early and save some of that non-flinching energy for the festival next week."
She shoots me a quick glare. "Consider yourself lucky I need to keep both hands on the steering wheel."
Oh, I consider myself lucky, all right.
I wasn't expecting last night to end the way it did, but if it took a torturous—but secretly fun, not that I'd ever admit it—night of karaoke to get me to tell Hannah how I'm feeling, then so be it.
I'm glad I told her how I felt.
Sure, it might have been a bit out of the blue for her, but these feelings have been swirling inside me for a while now, so why wait? Summer will be over soon, and I didn’t want to put it off any longer. I wanted to be honest and upfront with her, like I am about everything else.
But there are two things that are bothering me and don't quite sit right.
One is that despite her assurances last night, I don't feel good enough for her.
I agree with what she said, that it's the little things that matter the most in life. But a part of me—I believe his name is Caveman Culver—wants to woo her and take her out to fancy restaurants and shower her with expensive gifts and make her dreams come true the way Fraser made Evie's dreams come true.
I'm afraid I won't be able to give Hannah any of those things. To date, my track record in the dating department sucks. What if I don’t have it in me to be the guy to give her everything her heart desires?
The second thing that's been burrowing away in the back of my head since last night?
I think I'm in love with you.
I think.
I think?
What sort of man says I think I'm in love with you to a woman?
I'll tell you what sort of a man.
A coward.
That doesn't sit right with me.
Especially since Hannah didn't say I think back to me. She just said the three words, plainly and simply and like she meant them with every fiber of her being.
Why wasn't I able to do that?
I blow out a low, frustrated breath.
I wish there was some sort of manual outlining the process of going from friends to more than friends.
Because I am determined to get this right.
No messing about.
No playing games.
Hannah deserves nothing but the best, and while I still think I am far from the best, she loves me.
And she didn't seem unsure or add any caveats before those three words.
She meant them.
Which means I really need to get my act together.
Hannah lets out a small giggle, snapping me out of my thoughts.