I smile then cast my eyes over her luggage. "Do you need me to help with anything?"

"No. I'm good." She flicks her hair off her shoulders. "I'll do one final-final-final-final check, and then I'll call it a night."

I stand up. "What time is Dean picking you up in the morning?"


"Cool. I'll still be here."

As I begin to leave, she hands me a piece of paper. "Here. I created a master checklist for your hot girl summer. It includes everyone's ideas."

"Thanks." I take it from her then head for the door, turning around to take her in one last time.

My little baby sister in her room. My little baby sister who's about to leave for the summer. My little baby sister who's about to have sex with her boyfriend.

Before me.

I'm a twenty-five-year-old empty nester virgin who's never had a boyfriend. Now isn't that a depressing thought.

"'Night, Katie."

She waves her checklist at me and smiles. "Goodnight, Hannah."

I pass by Chester's room and peer in.

His arms are full, his torso and chest hidden by a massive pile of clothes all the way up to his chin. He carries them over to an open suitcase on the floor and drops them in without even bending down.

"So, packing's going well," I say, slipping into his room.

"It's s-s-so easy," he says with his usual naughty grin. "Don't know why Katie makes s-such a big deal about it." He kicks his suitcase closed then triumphantly sits down on it. "Done."

I shake my head. "How are you going to survive in the real world?"

He smiles up at me. "I'll be f-fine. If I forget something, I'm sure my f-f-friends can help m-me out, or there'll b-b-be the European equivalent of a Walmart around."

I smile back at him.

It's uncanny how he and Katie are so different in some ways, but then they say or do the exact same thing the way only twins can.

"Yeah. You'll be fine. You're a smart guy. Can I help with anything?"

"Nope. I don't want you m-m-messing with my s-s-system." And then, out of the blue, he comes over and gives me a big hug. "I love you so much, Hannah. Thank y-y-y-ou for everything y-you've done for us."

"I love you, too, Chester." Tears well in my eyes. "And don't mention it. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat if I could."

"I am p-p-retty awesome."

"Yeah. You are."

I wipe a tear away then leave him to it. When I reach the door, I spin around. "Oh. How did your man-chat with Culver go?"

His cheeks turn red. "Fine."

That tells me everything I need to know.

"Okay. Cool. Katie's leaving at eight," I remind him since he doesn't leave until midday to make his six p.m. flight from LAX. "Set your alarm."

"I already h-have." He tips his chin up, grinning from ear to ear. "For seven fifty-five."