"This is perfect!"
Margo's enthusiasm draws the gaze of a few people, so we retreat to the more sparsely populated side of the office again.
"I was hoping your date would be a solid six. Maybe a seven," she continues. "But this guy is…is…"
"More than a seven?"
"Yes." Margo laughs. "Definitely more than a seven. Evelyn, this is your chance to come out with a massive story and reverse your numbers."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking about? What story?"
"A story about you and your wedding date. Hello. This has all the ingredients you Americans love. Redemption. Revenge. And the sweet girl rocking up to her ex's wedding with a hot hockey player."
"I can't do a story about Fraser."
"Why not?"
"He doesn't do press."
"He's an athlete. Surely he does interviews?"
I shake my head. "Nope. He avoids the media like the plague."
"What about this photo I just pulled up? Doesn't exactly scream avoiding the media if he's posting images of himself strutting around like some Greek god come to life in the form of a hockey star."
"He didn't post that photo. His ex did."
I have a feeling that could be why things ended between them. She craves the spotlight, he detests it with a passion.
"And you know this, how?"
Uhhh. "Because I'm a reporter," I shoot back. "It's my job to know…things. Fraser is the most private, publicity-shy person I know. Trust me. He won't agree to a sit-down interview."
"See, you say that, but all I'm hearing is that in addition to being off-the-charts good-looking, he's mysterious and possibly hiding something. Two key ingredients of an incredible story-in-the-making." Margo turns her attention back to her phone. "That is one obscenely attractive man. Those cheekbones. Are they even real?"
"They're real. So are the eyelashes and the lips, in case you're wondering."
She studies the screen intently for a few more moments before pulling her gaze to me. "I finally get why hockey is so big in romance."
"It is?"
"Have you been to a bookstore lately?"
"Yeah. One of my friends, Beth, runs The Cozy Corner bookstore in Comfort Bay."
"Oh, I've been there. I love that place. Have you spent any time in the romance section?"
"Not really. I only really pop in for a chat or to drag her out to get some food with me."
"Well, have a look next time you're there. You'll see what I mean. Sports romance, particularly hockey romance, is huge at the moment. For the longest time I didn't understand why." She drops her gaze again. "But I do now."
"Can you please stop checking him out?"
She lifts her head, a smile teasing her lips. "Oh. So it's like that."
"Like what?"
"You like him?"