Page 5 of The Fake Out Flex

Why are my windpipes conspiring against me tonight?

While my crush on Fraser has diminished somewhat over the years, his attractiveness hasn't.

At all.

He's one of the hottest players in the NHL.

In high school, Fraser was tall and athletic, but he had a certain gangliness to him. Today, that gangliness is gone, replaced by a well-defined chest, broad shoulders, and powerful legs, essential for agility and speed on the ice.

His jawline has sharpened, his bright-blue eyes are more intense than ever, and he's picked up a small scar on his left cheek from an ugly high-sticking incident with an opponent two seasons ago, which, if you ask me, makes him even hotter.

I'm stating all of this objectively, as someone who is completely over her crush. These are simply the facts, people.

"Wait." I tap on the counter. "Aren't we forgetting something here?"

"Like what?"

"Like the small matter of asking Fraser about this?"

Levi smirks.

The doorbell rings.

Levi's smirk grows smirkier.

My stomach drops. "Don't tell me you invited Fraser here to spring this harebrained idea of yours on him? Because that would be a terrible thing to do to the guy, putting him on the spot like that."

"I agree, and I'm a nice guy who would never do that to his best friend," Levi replies, moving to answer the door. "Which is why I called him last night and cleared it with him."

"You've already discussed this?"

"I have."

"Your honor, the prosecution seeks to strike any mention of my brother not meddling in my life off the record."


"Hang on, hang on, hang on." I push to my feet. "You spoke to Fraser about this and he…agreed?"

"No, Ev. He didn't. And I've invited him here to duke it out with you gladiator-style." Levi rolls his eyes. "Of course he agreed."

"And he's here right now?"

"He is. Standing on the other side of that door, probably wondering why I'm taking even longer than normal to answer it."

"Get out of my way."

I shove past my brother and race over to his refrigerator. It's brand new and one of those super fancy ones that has full-length mirror doors. I teased him about it when he bought it, but now, I couldn't be more grateful for his vanity. I'm going to need every precious second I have to do something about the horror show staring back at me.

If I'd known we'd be having company, I would have worn something other than my dad's old hockey jersey, black leggings, and a pair of Ugg Boots that my boss bought me on her yearly family visit to Australia.

And if I'd known Fraser would be joining us, I would have done something to tame my hair and at least put on lip gloss. Maybe even some blush.

Levi stares at me like I'm crazy as I frantically run my fingers through my frizzy blonde locks. I let out a tiny shriek when my fingers come across something that is very much not hair.

I untangle the stick and wave it in my hand once it's freed, glaring at my brother's reflection in the mirror.

"Why didn't you tell me I had this in my hair?"