Page 117 of The Fake Out Flex


"If you can, I strongly recommend you catch my segment live. It'll be worth it."

"I've already scheduled it in my calendar," I reply. "Goodnight, Evie."

"'Night, Fraser."



The thing I always seem to forget about a Vinaigrettes group chat is that they can go on for a very long time. That's why it's best to start them early. Because if you text late in the evening, you're almost guaranteed to get to bed way past your normal bedtime.

But the chats are always fun, and I'm in LA and I need to remind everyone to tune in and watch my big segment tomorrow.

We've already been talking for a while when Amiel brings up an interesting question.

Amiel: So, ladies, I have to ask…The Vinaigrettes. Where on EARTH did that name come from? It's been driving me crazy not knowing.

Hannah: Over to you, Evie. It's your story.

Evie: It was the fourth of July weekend a few years ago. I was in college and had just started dating a guy (we went on, like, three dates). He came back with me to Comfort Bay for the fireworks and a party on the beach.

Summer: That guy was a jerk. No offense, Evie.

Evie: None taken. I agree. He was. (Date number four never happened.)

Evie: Anyway, I'd told him how I wanted to wait, and he seemed fine with it.

Evie: Until he had a few too many beers.

Evie: He comes over to me by the bonfire and makes it clear he wants to do stuff. I tell him no. So then, in front of everyone, he yells, "Why do you want to be a vinaigrette for the rest of your life?"

Evie: He meant to say virgin, but he was so hammered, he got his words mixed up.

Evie: It was hilarious, and I started laughing. Hannah, Beth, and Summer came over and joined in, and we've claimed it as our secret name ever since.

Amiel: I LOOOOVE that story.

Beth: Me, too. It's empowering.

Summer: As it should be. It's our decision to wait, and we should celebrate that.

Beth: Here, here.

Hannah: Don't suppose it's come up with you and Fraser yet?

Evie: No. We have been talking a lot but never about that.

Beth: What have you been talking about?

Evie: Everything and nothing. We laugh and have so much fun together. It's awesome. Fraser's opening up. It reminds me of how things were back in the day.

Amiel: Back in the day?

Hannah: Fraser used to come over for late-night chats and food and malasadas when Evie was a sophomore in high school. They used to be next-door neighbors.

Amiel: Okay, cool. Thanks for explaining to the newbie. Also, how great are malasadas?