I slam the phone against my chest and my pounding heart. A quick glance at Chen’s face reveals his ordinary stoicism. Either he didn’t catch a glimpse of the photo, or he’s an emotional fortress.

“Everything alright, Rutherford?” Chen asks, eyebrow raised.

“Fine,” I manage, forcing a smile. “I have to go.”

Chen nods and continues down the hallway. I wait until he’s out of sight before letting out a shaky breath. That was too close.

With trembling fingers, I type out a text to Sterling: Meet me in your office. Now.

Chapter 10


Rutherford’s already in my office when I arrive. He has the keycode to my door since we work together so often. He’s unloading a tome of information on me the second I enter.

“Slow down, Rutherford. What’s going on?”

He takes a deep breath and rests against the windowsill. “I already talked to Hendrix, that lawyer who’s cool with unconventional relationships. He’s checking the legality of the university’s policy.”

Panic races through me. I hold my phone up, indicating Mila’s text. “Did someone find out?”

He shakes his head. “I’m trying to get ahead of things.”

I lean against his desk, my legs weak. “Smart thinking. How did the scholarship meeting go?”

Rutherford runs a hand through his hair. “When I recommended Mila, it hit me how much is at stake.” He closes his eyes for a second. “She got the scholarship.”

I smile, but excitement is weighted by the bigger concern. “Does Hendrix think we have a chance?”

“He’s researching it. Says there might be a precedent to challenge the policy.”

My phone buzzes the same time Rutherford’s does. I pull it out, and my dick goes hard… again. It’s another photo from Mila, even hotter than the last one.

Rutherford grins, studying his phone.

I can’t help but smile. “That girl’s going to be the death of us. What got into her?”

“I’ll go with… our dicks,” Rutherford jokes before his expression turns serious. “That’s why we need to be careful, Vic. We can’t let this blow up in Mila’s face.”

I close the photo. “You’re right. We should talk to her about this.”

“Agreed. But for now, let’s just enjoy the smoking-hot roller derby queen sending us naughty pictures.”

I shake my head. Our phones alert simultaneously again. The silky sheet hides Mila’s curves from us, while teasing us with what’s underneath. The sheet follows the swell of her breasts, her perky nipples evident through the fabric.

Rutherford leans against windowsill, eyes glued to his phone. “We have to be smart about this.”

I run a hand through my hair, trying to focus. “She’s making it damn hard.”


I shoot him a look. Mila’s wound us both wound tight. She has me breaking rules, for Christ’s sake. What did I do to deserve her?

Do I deserve her? My world ceases to make sense.

The photo draws me in. Mila’s smile is infectious, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She’s not just sexy; she’s fun, full of life. She’s stirring something in me I haven’t felt in decades. Closing my eyes, I let her image seer itself into my mind.

My phone buzzes again, but Rutherford’s stays silent. I check the screen and my stomach drops. It’s Josh.