Her expression is innocent enough, that must be all she saw, thankfully.

Returning to what I originally hoped to get out of today, I say, “I might be getting a little too hot for teacher! I want to talk to you about that, Beatrix.” I laugh to play down the seriousness of my situation.

“It should be illegal to put professors that hot in classes of mostly women,” Nikki says.

“I know, right?” I pretend that my expectations are in check. Nikki’s right—all the female students think they’re hot. I’m probably just the teacher’s pet of the semester. A shiver runs up my spine.

Immediately, I dismiss the wayward thought about teacher’s pets. I know it’s not true—at least for Professor Sterling. In all the years I’ve known him, there was never a hint of him being with a woman. Josh had even been worried about his dad’s devotion to single life.

“So what’s up?” Beatrix asks.

“Nothing can come of our professor-student… whatever it is we’re doing. I want to make sure it’s clear that I’m just having fun. How soon can I take you up on the offer to teach sexy posing?”

Will she buy my lie? Neither she nor Belova say anything. I fidget. Where is Avery? I’m not ready to explain how much I feel for my ex’s dad. I’m such a freak… I’m banging not one, but two of the hottest professors. I’m greedy and—

Beatrix chuckles. “Keep it fun? Sexy photos can be pretty intimate.”

I blurt out, “Sexting. Booty calls. That kind of vibe.”

“Gotcha. I’ll have you over and I can take the pictures or I can show you poses and you can do them on your own.”

Panic explodes inside of me at the thought of anyone else seeing me do this. “If you could send a few samples, I know how to set the timer on my camera.”

Avery comes out none too soon. She’s grinning ear to ear. It turns out the guy inside is the shop owner, just filling in for the day. He also knows her brothers and in the weirdest evolution of events, the guy hired her to be a nanny.

And as interesting as her situation is, I can’t help but think about Sterling and Rutherford. I’m definitely in over my head. I’m right to want to lighten our relationship a bit, while still enjoying my newest, favoritest hobby.

A car I recognize all too well, drives past, turns around, and pulls into the parking lot. This can’t be happening. Josh gets out and heads straight for me.

“Mila, we need to talk,” he says, glancing at Beatrix, Nikki, and Avery. “Alone.”

“Are you following me?”

“I was just driving past and saw you. I need you to hear me out.”

I cross my arms, trying to appear confident, but I’m shaking inside. Can I bluff? “Say it in front of my friends.”

He looks surprised, but nods. “Okay… I miss you, Mila. I made a huge mistake letting you go. I’ve been trying to call and text. Please, give me another chance. I love you.”

My heart clenches. He never said he loved me when we were together. And the sincerity is new. Have I made a huge mistake? No. He cheated on me… and not just with one woman. He cut me out of his life. I shudder.

Beatrix steps beside me. “You okay?”

Oh god, the timing. I hadn’t admitted anything I’m doing with the professors to anyone until a few minutes ago. Does she think I’m a horrible person?

Any feelings I had for Josh are gone, replaced by the intense connection I have with his father and Rutherford. Discreetly clasping my hands in front of my belly, I consider that whether the relationship works out or not, if one of them gave me a baby, I may not be able to keep my secret.

The girls silently wait for my reaction. Nikki and Beatrix exchange a look, both of them clearly ready to have my back.

“Josh…” I search for the right words. “It’s over. You had your fun, flaunted it. Acted like all of the years of our friendship meant nothing. There’s no way I could never trust you again.”

His face falls. “But Mila, I—”

“No,” Beatrix interjects firmly. “She said it’s over. Respect her and move on.”

Josh steps closer to me, but Nikki throws a hand up.

I say, “It’s over, Josh. You hurt me worse than I knew was possible.” The words are out of my mouth before I question what’s behind them. Do I truly want his father, or do I want to hurt Josh?