Have I confused a dare between girlfriends with an alternate reality? I want to see how far I can push.
“Permission to find out how you would react.”
The memory of his arms wrapped around me, his scent—a wicked combination of smoke and leather, that’s also currently surrounding me—and his cock pressing into me from behind offer a reminder of his unequivocal reaction.
Stepping to the far wall, he closes the blinds. “Is that all you wanted permission to do?”
Preventing myself from blurting an answer, I drag my teeth over my lower lip. “No.”
“I never took you for a rule breaker.” He returns, leaving only inches between us. “What else?”
“Initially nothing. But then we talked about… parties.”
Professor Rutherford’s lips quirk. The memory of Professor Sterling’s expression intervenes as if I need a reminder of how we’re all connected to my ex. Ugh! Can I be sure I’m not doing this for revenge?
“I recall.”
Fixing my gaze on his chest, I cling to my notebook. It’s my last line of defense. My voice is soft and vulnerable. “It’s wrong. I know. You’re both professors and I’m a student and—”
“Shhh.” He puts a finger to my lips.
The tender intimacy of his touch quickens my heart rate. My throat goes dry while my panties become decidedly wet. I want my first sexual experience to be with someone like him.
No. I want him. And as he drags his finger over my lower lip, tugging it down slightly, my jaw drops open, just enough for me to lick the tip of his finger.
He lingers, letting my tongue play, then pulls his hand away as his smile slowly builds. “I can’t speak for Sterling, but I’m of the opinion that sometimes rules should be broken.”
Time to channel my fun, bold side. “We’re not asking him to break the rules.”
“And he’s on his way out of town for a continuing education conference. Let’s be perfectly clear… no talk of parties. What do you want, Little One?”
Little One? A world of possibilities blossoms in my mind. Does a nickname mean a commitment? Does he understand how much he could teach me? Does he… I fight the thought back, but it refuses to be cast aside… Does he want to be my Daddy?
Before I can answer, he grabs the top of my binder, causing me to shudder as the backs of his fingers graze my breasts.
“May I?” He tugs the binder, and I let him set my protection on a shelf beside the door. “You wanted to find out how I would react to you… Was I just an experiment?”
“Sort of.” With nothing but air between us, I’m vulnerable.
“You’re one of the top students. What do you know about drawing conclusions from experiments?” He runs with my less-than-sexy answer.
“It’s important to be able to replicate results.”
“Are you ready to run another test?”
I wish he’d use the nickname again, but he takes my hand and twirls me the same as he had in the sex club. My back is pressed against his rock-hard body. The stiffness of his erection is unmistakably present. I rest my head against his chest.
This is where I belong—being held by the one I love.
Love? Whoops!
My eyes open wide, but his smoky leather cologne might as well be laced with paralytic agents.
He rocks his hips. “You do this to me every time we’re close. Every night in my dreams. Every time I let my guard down. And I’ll willingly be your subject any time.”
My legs go weak, and I’m grateful that he tightens his grip just in time to keep me from collapsing. Following his gentle guidance, I’m sitting on his desk. He tips my chin up.
“Sorry, I got ahead of myself. You were going to tell me what you wanted, Little One.”