“Some customers prefer the longer smoking time provided by a large ring gauge. Cigar makers take great pride in balancing the flavors with the perfect wrapper leaf. Are you looking for a particular flavor?”

“Just browsing,” I say.

His glare lingers for a moment before he leaves.

We move on from the large-ring-gauge cigars, although my mind is stuck.

The ding that signifies the door to the cigar room has opened draws my attention. We’re behaving, so the owner shouldn’t need to chastise us anymore. This time it’s Avery.

Nikki keeps her voice quiet but bubbles with excitement. “Avery! You’re not gonna believe what we found.”

Nikki’s already opening the display case, pointing at a row of thick cigars. “Check out these big boys.”

Belova tries not to laugh. “Don’t get us in trouble again.”

Avery grabs the thickest one, wrapping her fingers around it the way I imagine stroking a cock would work. How have I not done that yet? So many things to learn.

I can’t imagine who would smoke a cigar this size. And the price tag… sheesh.

Beatrix playfully says, “I might have to take one of these home and see if the guys have inferiority complexes.”

“TMI,” Avery spits out, probably not enjoying the visual that comment creates since Beatrix hooked up with her brothers.

Trying to stifle my laughter, I’m lost in the silliness. When I finish wiping my tears, the shop owner has materialized behind Avery.

“I thought I made myself clear.”

His gaze moves from Beatrix to Nikki to me, then lands on the back of Avery’s head. She winces under the weight of his stare and slowly turns.

He reaches for her cigar hand and wraps his fingers around hers. What’s he doing?

“You like that size?” His voice has softened as he addresses Avery. Maybe it’s just me, but I sense that he’s forgotten the rest of us exist.

“I’ve had bigger,” Avery says.

My jaw drops. Did Avery really say that? And was her voice huskier than normal?

His lips quirk. “If you like big things in your mouth, I’d be happy to help you find a perfect fit.”

Should we run, get Avery out of there before she gets herself in trouble? Is she so sleep-deprived from the baby that she’s—

“How big ya’ got?”

What is Avery doing?

The man lifts her cigar hand. “If you’re impressed by this, maybe I shouldn’t show you.”

Beatrix grabs my arm. She has Belova in her other hand. “Let’s give them some space.”

Nikki’s hot on our heels as Beatrix drags us outside to the sidewalk where giggles promptly erupt. Beatrix was wise to get us out of there. She squeals. “I can’t believe it. Avery’s getting hit on. She so deserves a good guy.”

Belova expresses the same worry I have. “Hopefully he’ll still be as interested when he finds out she has a baby.”

“Let’s send her all the good jujus we can,” Beatrix says.

We chat for a moment, taking it as a good sign that Avery’s still inside.

“So… you and the professors. How’s that working out?” Nikki segues to interrogating me. Perhaps she’s afraid she’ll be the only single, non-pregnant member left on the team. “I saw you step outside with them during the party at the MC clubhouse the other night.”