His voice grew louder. “Don’t underestimate me. You think you’re that smart because you escaped from prison?”
“No,’’ I drawled out. “I think I’m that smart because I managed to escape from a maximum-security prison and then play tag with the law enforcement for over three years. And now, I’ve successfully lured a little bitch into my lair.’’
That seemed to do the trick.
His hand trembled briefly before he finally fired the first shot.
Quickly, I stepped aside, and he missed my heart.
Instead, he hit my forearm and the bullet pierced through my skin. It landed on the wall behind me, after creating a hole in my body.
I didn’t have the time to think about the ache and the blood dripping down my arm, and fired a shot at him.
The bullet hit his hand and he dropped the gun. As it fell to the floor with a loud thud, I had no more time to waste.
Within a second, I was in front of him, as he bent down to pick the weapon back up. I didn’t allow it and hit his nose with my knee. A cracking sound filled the room as his blood stained my pants, but I couldn’t stop there.
The next kick came between his legs, just enough to make him slump to the floor in pain. He screamed out like a little bitch, and I couldn’t help but grin in satisfaction.
While he was disoriented, I grabbed the rope I’d prepared beforehand and tied him up. He was squirming, cussing me out and yelling, though it was futile. Each scream ended with me hitting him.
By now, he was missing a tooth, his nose was crooked, and his lips were split.
“You motherfucker,’’ he hissed. “You don’t think I came here without a plan?”
“Not unless you’re a complete moron. But that’s useless. No one is coming to save you, Kyle.’’
“That’s what you think.’’
I shrugged. “Even if they do show up, by that time, you’ll be long dead.’’
“One day, someone will kill you. Prison is too light of a sentence for you.’’
“The only person capable of taking my life is the same person you tried to use as bait to get me. And as you can see, it didn’t work. It won’t work until she decides my life is no longer worthy.’’
The scene was set.
Kyle was tied down with his weapon out of his reach, sitting on the marble floor. He continued screaming profanities at me, though I didn’t bother listening to him.
I was across from him, clutching the wound with the most pitiful look I could possibly muster. For a man who used to hate being pitied, I was now hoping Storm was going to pity me enough to kill a man for me.
The door of the basement opened slowly, and my girl strolled in, with the gun in her hands and an expressionless look in her eyes.
The moment she noticed Kyle, her gaze hardened, jaw clenched, and she hung her head low. Her chest was rising and falling with her deep breaths, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that she was pissed.
Purposefully, I let some of the blood drip on the floor so she’d be able to see it. Like clockwork, her eyes snapped to mine, widening. They were glossy from rage, and with a soft gasp, she came running toward me.
“Oh my God.’’ She noticed all the blood covering my arm. I may or may not have squeezed the wound so more blood would pour out. “Are you okay?”
I winced. “It’s manageable. I’ll live.’’
Her hands shook as she tried looking at my wound. All she did was dirty herself in blood, but that had to be one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen. Who knew seeing Storm in my blood would make my dick hard?
She noticed that Kyle was secured, with no means of escaping. However, she was also aware that there wasn’t much time to waste. She bit her bottom lip, looking around for anything that she could use to cover my wound with.