As the evening turns into night, we head back to our dorms. Kelsey and I walk together and she nudges me playfully.
“Looks like you’re fitting in just fine,” she teases
“Yeah, I guess I am,” I say with a smile.
“He likes you, you know,” she whispers as if someone can hear us.
“Who? Ryan?”
“Duh! I understand that you always underestimate yourself but you’re a catch, Hailey. Any guy would be lucky to be with you and Ryan… he likes you.”
I’m a pretty reserved person but I can’t help the smile that breaks across my face. “Yeah, I’d be ok with that. Did you see him with his shirt off?”
We both start laughing and our laughs keep going all the way back to our dorm. The night is just getting started.
It’s the weekend and Kelsey and I are getting cabin fever. We can only spend so many evenings holed up in our room. Kelsey bounds into the room, full of energy.
“We’re going to a party at Alpha Phi Delta tonight! It’s on Frat Row,” she announces.
“A frat party?” I say, raising an eyebrow. “Are you sure we want to dive into that scene already?”
“Oh, come on, Hailey! Live a little! It’ll be fun! Besides, we need to meet people who don’t live in this building or the weird guy that sits next to me in math class,” Kelsey urges, her eyes sparkling with excitement. I hesitate for a moment, then shrug. Who am I to deny my best friend this one thing? Plus it could be fun.
“Alright, let’s do it. But let’s promise each other to stay together and leave if things get too crazy.”
“Deal!” Kelsey says, clapping her hands. “Let’s finish getting ready!”
We spend the next hour getting dressed and doing our hair and makeup. I opt for simple—a pair of jeans, a crop top, and Sambas. Kelsey, always the fashionista, wears a trendy dress that makes her look like she just stepped off the cover of a magazine. Her strawberry blonde hair blown out to perfection, lips glossed and with the perfect golden tan.
“Ready?” she asks, giving herself one last look in the mirror.
“Ready,” I confirm, feeling nervous.
Our walk to Frat Row is filled with the buzz of weekend energy. Students milling about, heading to various parties and gatherings. The air is alive with the sounds of laughter and music. As we approach Alpha Phi Delta, the party is already in full swing. The thumping bass of the music can be heard from down the street, and a crowd of students is gathered outside, chatting and laughing.
“This is it!” Kelsey says, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the entrance.
A guy is sitting on a stool at the door and he eyes us as we walk in but doesn’t speak a word. I find it odd but maybe he’s their security. The house is packed, the living room transformed into a makeshift dance floor with strobe lights and a DJ in the corner spinning music. People are dancing, talking, and having a great time.
Kelsey and I navigate through the crowd, making our way to the kitchen where drinks are being served. We grab a couple of cups of punch and toast to our first college party.
“Here’s to new adventures!” Kelsey says, raising her cup.
“To new adventures,” I echo, clinking my cup against hers. We spend the next hour mingling and dancing. Kelsey’s outgoing personality makes it easy for us to meet new people, and soon we were talking with a group of students who seem just as excited about college as us.
I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’m a lightweight or the mixture of all the bodies in the room combined with the dancing but all my worries seem to slip away as I dance to the beat of the music and enjoy this night.
Now that we’ve been here a few hours, Kelsey’s hair is starting to stick to her forehead from sweat and my feet are aching. I’m about to tell her that I can’t handle these archless shoes any longer when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and a girl is there. I give her a hesitant smile.
“Hey, you’re Hailey, right?” the girl asks, stepping up to me. She has bright blue hair and a friendly smile.
“Yes, that’s me,” I reply, curious.
“I’m Cindy. I think we’re in the same English class,” she says. “Nice to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you too, Cindy,” I say. I’m not really sure what else to say. It could be all of the drinks I’ve had or the fact that I’m tired but I can’t think of conversation so I go with the first thing I can think of. “Are you having fun?”
“Totally! These parties are a great way to unwind. Have you met anyone yet?” she asks, gesturing to them with a wave of her arm around the room.