I’m more than okay, I’m probably the most okay anyone has ever been. I nod vigorously, encouraging him to move before I explode into stardust.
He thrusts in and out and I can’t stop the inevitability of my orgasm. It hits me strongly and before I can even say anything it takes over my body. I’m soaring high, riding it out while Ryan continues to thrust in and out of me. The muscles that had tensed loosen and I feel like Jello as I come down from the orgasm. Ryan knows it too, because through gritted teeth he tells me, “I got you, baby. I got you.”
His thrusts take on an uneven frenzy, a sheen of sweat covering his body. My hands grip his shoulders, my nails digging in, holding on for the euphoric ride. Then it happens again, I’m soaring high, but this time Ryan joins me.
The next morning, I wake up early and find the other side of the bed empty and cold. I sneak back to my room, getting dressed quickly. When I walk into the kitchen, I find Ryan already up, making breakfast, his parents nowhere in sight. The smell of bacon and eggs fills the air, and I can’t help but smile at the same time my stomach grumbles.
“Good morning,” he says, looking up as I step into the kitchen.
“Good morning,” I reply, feeling a flutter in my chest at the sight of him.
“Breakfast is almost ready.” He gestures towards the table nestled into the nook by the window. “Go have a seat and I’ll bring over a plate for you.”
I do as he says and walk over to the table and slide into the booth side of the corner. “Where are your parents?”
“They went to town to get some supplies. They wanted me to apologize for their absence this morning since our visit is so short but I told them you’d understand.”
I nod. “Yeah, I know they’re always pretty busy around here. I get it.” I tell him. I do understand. The time that I spent here over Thanksgiving was rewarding but exhausting. A farm takes a lot of work and I saw that firsthand. Ryan’s parents work hard and I know Ryan has had to have the same kind of work ethic when he was growing up here.
Just a minute later, Ryan slides a kitschy, ceramic plate in front of me. Scrambled eggs, bacon, two waffles. My mouth waters, but I wait for him to sit down beside me before I lift my fork and dig in.
“You look like you’re starving. Did you work up an appetite last night?” he asks me with a tiny smirk on his face. Like he knows a secret.
A laugh bubbles out of me and I feel free and happy. We sit and eat our breakfast together, Ryan entertains me by telling me stories of his parents and how they came to own the farm. It’s a simple moment, but it feels significant for us, and by the time we finish, I can’t wipe the smile off of my face.
Since this was meant to be a very short trip, we pack up our stuff to leave. I write a note for his mother and leave it on the kitchen counter where I know she’ll see it. I thank her once again for letting me stay at their house and tell her that I hope to see her again soon. I tuck the note under her apron and give their cozy kitchen one last look before heading out the door.
Ryan and I load up his car with our bags and start the drive back to campus. The tension that had once been between us is gone, replaced by a growing sense of trust and connection. I use the time to take in the scenery outside the car window. It’s crazy how quickly everything went from vibrant fall colors to winter bleakness of bare trees. It’s another reminder of how quickly this first semester in college has flown by.
Once we return to campus, Ryan parks the car and we make our way back into Hamilton Hall. Him being the gentleman that he is walks me to my dorm room even though he’s just down the hall. We share a lingering kiss before parting ways, and it makes me think of what we did last night. I feel my skin flush and heat at just the thought of it.
When our lips part he asks, “Text me later?”
“Of course,” I reply, smiling. “I had a great time.”
“Me too,” he says softly. “I’ll see you real soon.” He gives me one last peck on the lips before he spins on his heels and heads toward his dorm room.
I watch him walk away, my heart feeling light. As I turn and head into my room, I’m eager to see Kelsey and tell her how great the trip went. I turn the key in the lock and push open the door to find her sprawled on her bed, flipping through a thick textbook.
“Hey!” she says, sitting up with a grin. “How was it?”
“It was great,” I reply, dropping my bag and collapsing onto my bed. “Ryan’s parents were really welcoming, and considering how I left last time they didn’t have to be.”
Kelsey nods, her smile widening. “I told you you were stressed out over nothing.”
“How about you? What have you been up to?”
“Busy,” she says with a sigh. “I’ve been thinking a lot about our conversation at the hotel. About my major.”
I sit up. “Oh? Have you decided what to do? I’ve been thinking up money-making schemes.”
Kelsey takes a deep breath, her eyes bright with excitement. “Yeah, about that…I think I have an idea of how to major in theater and pay for it without my parents’ help.”
“Really?” I say, intrigued. “Tell me more.”
She scoots closer to the end of her bed, her enthusiasm contagious. “Okay, so I did some research and found out about a few scholarships specifically for theater majors. There’s also a work-study program that I can apply for. And, if I buckle down, I can take on a part-time job off-campus.”
“That sounds like a plan,” I say, impressed by her determination. “Do you think it’ll be enough to cover everything?”