Page 7 of Ink

What I didn’t expect was for Griz to chime in. “You’ve really got a hard-on. I swear you are worse than my sister who reads all those romance books. All I’ve heard about is Carmen this and Carmen that. You’re working on her car for free. Is she even giving you head? Is she blue balling you? I bet you're having to jerk it off.”

I swear Griz can be such an asshole. “Fuck you too Griz. I’m gonna jerk off to your sister if you keep running your mouth.”

Griz presses his lips into a firm line and then purses his lips at me but it shuts him up and he goes back to work. I feel bad for a split second because I have met his sister several times over the course of the last few years. She is his half-sister and he rarely brings her around the club. Says it is for her own good that she keeps her distance from all of us assholes but really, I think he is just overprotective. Either way, I don’t need his negative and grumpy ass chiming in.

“For real Rider, what do you think?”

Rider pauses what he’s doing to give me his full attention. “I don’t know Ink. Carmen is pretty headstrong and independent. Either she’ll love it because even though she can’t afford it I know she wants a new car but at the same time it might be such a big gift she really won’t and can’t accept it.”

I know what he is saying is right but I still have the urge to go buy her a car. Fuck it. I should listen to him because nine times out of ten he’s always right. I’ll put a pin in it and think about it for the next few days. “Thanks, man.”

He looks like he wants to say something else, and I have never known him to hold back. “What’s the look for? Just spit it out.”

“Just… just really be sure. I don’t know the full details but I’ve heard enough from Ray. Carmen is going to always be around Ink. Don’t shit where you eat man and for me, please don’t shit where I eat because they're best friends.”

I shake my head and look down at my dirty hands covered in engine grease. “I was a dumbass after Christmas. Don’t worry, I took my head out of my ass and I realized how good she is. I don’t want to do anything to screw this up. I just have to convince her I’m worth it.”

Rider smirks at me. “Don’t sell yourself short. You aren’t some ogre either.”

That makes me bark out a laugh. Enough heavy talk. I throw myself into my work and try not to think of anything besides my work and all the club shit going on. By the time quitting time arrives I have finished two projects in the garage and have had some success on Carmen’s car. I am feeling pretty good but I’m still chewing on the MC in Oregon that’s now a thorn in our side. I don't even think twice about sticking around the garage any longer when I throw my leg over my motorcycle to head home for the night. Right as I put my ass on my seat, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It’s a text from Carmen.

This is the first time I’ve heard from her today and I have possessed enough willpower to not message her during the day. When I open up her message, I am surprised to find a photo of my truck. It’s zoomed in on the driver’s side door near the door handle. I am momentarily confused but another text comes through almost immediately.

I honestly don’t see a scratch and even if there is, I wouldn’t be mad at her. She is obviously worried but I decide to mess with her to lighten her mood.

The bubbles of her typing quickly appear.

I click her name on the screen and hit call. One ring and she answers breathing heavily into the phone. “I’m loading the truck right now and I’ll be there.”

I laugh into the phone. “I’m just messing with you. I don’t even see a scratch. Get your heart rate back down to normal and take a deep breath.” A beat of silence hits. “Carmen, are you there?”

“You little shit! I was literally in a panic that someone scratched your truck. I should hang up on you for that.”

I laugh again because I can tell she isn’t really mad. She has this way of singing her words when she’s being playful and it so fucking cute I can feel my face smiling at the phone. “I’m sorry. It was too easy. It won’t happen again. So you’re at the grocery store?”

“Yeah I just loaded up your truck and I’m heading home to get it all in the fridge.”

“Ah, well if you want, why don’t you take the groceries home and then come over to my place and we’ll get dinner.”

Again, another beat of silence. That doesn’t bode well for my hopes. “Ink, I’d really like that but I can’t. I have plans with Rayleighn. My parents could only watch Lucia tonight this week and I already told her I’d come over. I’d hate to cancel on her. We’re supposed to be doing wedding planning stuff.”

I am disappointed but I understand. “Yeah, no. It’s okay. It was last minute. How about we plan something for the weekend? You can even bring Lucia and we can make it something fun for the three of us.”

There was no hesitation this time. “Yes, I’d love that.”

“Then it’s a date.”

I pull up to my house and the moment I park in the driveway I know something is wrong. The first thing I notice is my porch light is off. I have time-activated lights on my porch and around my house. They are connected to my security system. The second thing that I notice, my front door is ajar and my alarm isn't going off. I set it religiously so I know that I didn’t forget to set it before leaving this morning, nor had I been called by the security company which was owned and operated by Theo, one of my fellow MC brothers, about it going off.

I get off my cycle and stand stock still keeping my ears open for any noises. I reach down into my boot and pull out the knife I always keep there. It has been a habit since I was a teen and one that I’m glad I never outgrew. Before I open my blade I get my phone out and shoot off a text to Griz.

I make sure my phone is on silent and put it back in my pocket. I flip my knife open and as quietly and stealthily as possible I make my way up the three steps to my front door. It’s dark and eerily quiet; the door is damaged, and I run my fingers down the busted lock mechanism. I slowly move the door enough to slip inside, placing my back against the wall, and closing my eyes to let them adjust to the darkness.

I open my eyes and slowly take in the room. My first floor is an open concept. I can see into my kitchen, dining, and living room all at once. The small half-bathroom door is open and I can see it's empty. I slowly make my way up the stairs. I have a bathroom right at the top of the stairs. The door is open and it's empty. On each side of the bathroom are bedrooms. Quickly sweeping my guest bedroom and then mine it appears that I’m alone in the house.

I head back downstairs and just when I get to the foot of the stairs, Griz and Theo walk through the door. I flick my knife closed and shove it into my boot.

Griz’s eyes follow my movements. “Glad to see you’re still carrying that around.”