Page 17 of Ink

“The guy holding me did what he was told. He was there to be extra muscle. The one with the VP patch asked me some questions and when I didn’t give him what he wanted, that’s when he smacked the shit out of me.”

Ink’s eyes search my face, lingering on my cheek that felt hot and maybe even swollen. Slowly, oh so slowly he raises his hand and gently caresses my cheek with his fingertips. The touch is so soft I almost don’t even feel it. And in a voice that is so soft and so eerily calm I don’t know what to make out of it, he whispers even lower. “I swear. He will regret today and the fact that he ever laid a hand on you, baby.”

“Once he was done asking me his questions and he realized I wasn’t going to cooperate he threatened to take Lucia and I told him if he did, he was sealing his death sentence not only from the club but from me and my family.” I give him a sheepish look. “I may have embellished about how my family was mixed up with the Mexican cartels and he would rue the day if he laid a hand on Lucia.”

For the first time since he’s walked in the door, he cracks a small smile. “I knew you were a firecracker baby but you proved to me how strong you are tonight. I’m proud of you for standing up to those men but I’m gonna take it from here. So you can relax. That’s what I want you to do. In the morning, we’re gonna leave here and you and that little girl of yours are going to my house where I’m gonna treat you like the queens that you are.”

I give him a tight smile. This is a big step and taking this step now in light of everything that happened tonight forces me away from my parents but I’m hoping and praying with time they’ll come around. I look around the room, taking it all in. Thinking about the things that I want to make sure we take with us. I’m not overly worried about my things, but Lucia has a lot of stuff necessary for her to feel comfortable. Change can be hard for kids and I want her to feel comfortable at Ink’s house. I have only been inside once for a very brief moment.

I voice my main concern to Ink. “I just want Lucia to be comfortable. That’s what matters to me.”

“Carmen, I’m going to spoil her to death so she’ll never want to leave.”

I feel myself give him a real smile and for the first time since this crazy night happened, I think everything might end up being okay.

I hear the low murmur of voices and they pull me out of my sleepy slumber. The first thing I notice about the room is the amount of light coming in the window. In an instant panic, I jackknife up in the bed and take a look around. Lucia is not in the bed and Ink isn’t in the room either. I don’t even remember falling asleep. The last thing I remember was Ink rubbing my head and I rested my head on his legs as he sat on the bed. I make my way out of the room to check out Lucia’s bedroom. When I get a few steps away I hear voices so I stop and listen.

It's Ink and Lucia. They’re talking, and from what I can make out they’re playing. I take a few more steps forward, trying to peek into the room. Ink and Luce are sitting on the floor and she’s holding her Barbie dolls. Ink to my surprise is holding a Ken doll and talking for him. I don’t know if it’s the residual trauma from last night's shenanigans or if it’s just the fact that he’s making an effort with her that has me tearing up. To see this big, muscular guy sitting on the floor cross-legged playing Barbie dolls with my daughter is just priceless and heartwarming.

Thankfully, Luce seems happy and today isn’t a pre-school day so my sleeping in didn’t affect her missing any school. I slowly make my way into the room. Ink and Luce both turn and give me big smiles. Luce immediately runs up and gives me a big hug. “Mommy! Ink taught Barbie how to change her tire on her pink Corvette!” she says to me excitedly, bouncing up and down.

“Oh he did, did he?” I bend down and look at Lucia. She’s dressed and her hair is combed but her ponytail is on the side of her head instead of high up on her head how she typically likes it fixed. “Did abuelta get you dressed this morning?”

“No! Ink helped pick out clothes but I dressed myself.”

I look over to Ink and he confirms what she’s saying. “Well, I’m very impressed with you Lucia. That was a great job and being a big girl.” She beams under the praise.

In a voice so soft and gentle, Ink speaks to Lucia. “Lucia, would you like to come visit and stay at my house with your mommy for a while? You can bring your dolls there.”

She stands up on her knees and gives me her most excited face. “Oh. Mommy please can we go visit Ink’s house? He has a big motorcycle and a garage that he told me about.”

“I think that would be a great idea Luca but we might stay for a little while so why don’t we pack up some of your things to take with us.”

“Okay. I like Ink.”

Seeming wiser than her years she gets up and goes and gets her school backpack and begins filling it with dolls and toys. She’s always been a good judge of character so it’s a good sign that she likes Ink. In the few times she’s ever been around him at Rayleighn’s house she’s always made a point to say hello and been curious about him and all the guys. I dread the day she grows up and gets a boyfriend. I don’t need that stress.

Ink gets himself up off the ground and stands beside me. He speaks low enough that only he and I can hear. “She’s a good kid. Smart too.”

“Yeah. She really is special.”

“I’ve got it all set up at the house. I got Prospect to fix my front door this morning and Leon checked the security system so the house is ready. I also have a surprise for you and the little lady when we get there.”

I raise my eyebrows and give him a look of surprise. “You’ve been busy this morning. And what time is it anyway?” I look at my wrist and pretend to have a watch on even though I don’t. I have no idea what time it is, but it’s later in the morning by the look of the sun outside.

“It’s ten o’clock, babe. I wanted you to sleep for as long as you wanted.”

I wince when I think about my parents. “Have you seen my parents this morning?”

His shoulders stiffen. Not too noticeable but I notice it because I’ve always been aware of his body language. “Your dad and I bumped into each other this morning.”

“Did you guys get into it?”

He levels me with a stare. “Do you think I would actively engage in an argument with your folks?” He huffs out a breath.


“They're your ma and pa babe. I’m going to actively try to piss them off. It seems my mere existence pains them. So I kept my mouth shut as he just leveled me with dead eyes.”