Page 9 of Ink

“Ok. Nu-uh, what’s with that? You know something.”

Ray turns to face me and starts fiddling with her hands in her lap. This is one of her tells. If she has good information or good gossip, she always starts wringing her hands. It’s like a nervous tick that she isn’t even aware of, but she does it every time. “Ok. Your turn to spill it.”

She eyes the front door like Rider is going to walk in. “Ok. So Rider wasn’t even supposed to tell me all of it but the other night when they had the emergency session of Church it was because the MC club in Oregon, I can never remember their name, something Fire well they’re the ones who helped my scumbag ex last year and now their starting to cause trouble with them.”

Oh shit.

“Prez warned all the guys to watch their backs and to keep everyone close to home. Rider even took me to work this morning and had one of the guys from the construction site follow me home.”

“That sounds serious.” Because it does. It really does. I have lived in this town since I was a small child and I have never seen anyone mess with the MC. Granted I didn’t hang out with any of them until Ray started up with Rider but my memory is good and with my parents tendency for town gossip, I feel like I would have heard something.

“Yeah. Rider tried to downplay it to me but I knew something was up tonight when one of the brothers escorted me home and now with the break-in.”

I look down at my phone and have another text from Ink.

I get the sudden urge to cry. His house has been broken into. More than likely it has something to do with the beef between the other MC and he is asking me how my night is going. That was selflessness and it warmed my heart that he is asking me about my night after having such a shitty one himself. I reach down and start slipping my shoes back on.

“What are you doing?” Ray asks me.

“I gotta go. I’m going to go over to Ink’s and see if there’s anything I can do. He’s been so great to me the last few days. He’s checked in a lot on me and he’s letting me use his truck till he can figure out my car. Plus…” I pause hesitantly trying to pick my words carefully. “He apologized for his behavior in the past and told me that he wants us to try things out again.”

Ray smiles like I’ve just told her Santa is real. “I knew it! I knew he would come to his senses. Girl you better go get that. That boy is fine. You’re gonna have to beat those club honeys off with a stick.”

“Yuck. I don’t want to think about those girls. I still don’t get why they hang around the club.”

She shrugs her shoulders. “I feel bad for them. They all wish that one of the guys would make them their old lady but they’ve all been around the club for so long that there’s no way any one of them would actually marry them or give them that status.”

“We’ll have to put a pin in this conversation for later but those girls gotta get some self-respect and get out of there.”

Ray laughs. “Don’t let them hear you say that. That’s fighting words for them. They all vehemently talk about how they love being at the clubhouse.”

I roll my eyes while I get my jacket on. She walks me to the door and gives me a big hug. “We’ll reschedule our night of fun wedding planning for next week. We’ve got a few more things before the big day to figure out.”

“And don’t forget about your bachelorette party! We are doing it up right that night.” I already have a full night planned out in her future that will be filled with strippers, a party bus, and tons of penis-shaped items. It is going to be an epic bachelorette. I am clearly in charge of it as maid of honor and I take my duties seriously.

Her cheeks turn a tint of pink and I know she is nervous about what I have planned. Ray can talk a big game and I’m sure she gets her freak on in the sheets but she is pretty reserved when it comes to what she will and won’t say in the company of others regarding sex. Me? I don’t care what people say or do or more importantly what I say and do. Nothing ever turns my cheeks pink. We say goodnight and I climb into Ink’s truck. I need to go check on my man.


I pull up to the curb of Ink’s house and the lights are dark. I expected it to be bustling with people going in and out considering one of the brothers of the Mystic Venom MC had just had his house broken into but much to my surprise, I don’t even see his motorcycle in the driveway. It isn’t even ten o’clock yet, so I doubt he is sleeping. I drove all this way so I figure I can trudge up his steps and at least ring the bell. If he is asleep, I’ll apologize but at least he will know that I care enough to come over here and check on him.

I ring the bell and wait. I don’t want to text him because I want to surprise him. Let him know that I care. The longer I stand here the more foolish I start to feel. I knock on the door and wait a few more seconds but I’m greeted only with silence. I walk back to the car feeling slightly defeated but once I get in the truck it hits me. I bet he went to the clubhouse. Did I want to go over there? I’ve been to the clubhouse a handful of times, invited by Ray to tag along and invited to a few parties by other members so it wouldn’t be something new for me to show up there.

If I was going to leave Ray’s house and go all the way over to Ink’s I was determined enough to see him. So yeah, I turn the truck around and drive the ten minutes to the clubhouse. When I turn the corner, and the clubhouse comes into view I can see the lot is packed with motorcycles. Members of the MC are spilling out of the clubhouse, the majority holding a drink. I can hear the wave of music as the door opens and closes even though I have the truck's windows up. I guess they aren’t taking the break-in too hard.

A pang of worry hits me in my stomach. I believe that Ink’s house got burglarized but I have the feeling that I am not going to like what I would see if I walk into the clubhouse. Everything I know about Ink has never given me an inkling that he is a womanizer but Ray’s comment back at her house sticks out in my mind. The club honeys all over him. Am I going to walk into the clubhouse and see Ink with a honey on his lap and his words to me and all his efforts had just been a ploy?

I find a spot in the corner of the lot and park the truck. On the drive over it started to sprinkle so I pull up the hood on my jacket to keep my hair from turning into a Chia Pet. As I approach the door, I can see one of the newest prospects is watching the door. Thankfully he recognizes me and waves me inside. I’m not dressed to impress, nowhere even near it, and usually when I come here I am all dolled up and have on makeup. Tonight, I am just in jeans with tears all over them and an old sweatshirt under my coat. I only have on foundation but at least my skin tone looks even.

The moment I step inside, the cigarette smell hits me. Shew. I’m not a smoker and this was one of the only things I didn’t like about the club. The years of smoking in this clubhouse have seeped deep into its bones so while I didn't see anyone currently smoking the smell is always ever present. My eyes adjust to the muted lighting, and I look around the room for Ink.

It didn’t take long for me to find the familiar six-foot-two wall of muscle covered in dark tattoo ink sitting at a small circular table wearing his leather cut over a black Henley long-sleeve shirt. The chair he is sitting in looks miniature compared to his long frame and bulking muscles. His long legs spread out in front of him, sipping a beer. He looks relaxed but I know Ink, and his jaw looks tense as he sits there nodding his head to one of his brothers that I knew as Theo.

I let out some of the tension I’ve been holding now that I know there isn’t some club honey consoling him. I know we don’t have any sort of official label, and I don’t technically have the right to be upset, but I am a jealous woman. If you’re going to be with me then you’re going to be with me—no games. When it comes to infidelity I’m an equal opportunity hater.

Doubt is a tiny weed and if you plant it, it will spread and dig itself deep and keep going until you can no longer see anything else but weeds. I should know, my relationship with Lucia’s father had been riddled with doubts, accusations, lies, and in the end fear. I had vowed after having Lucia to never be with someone who planted a seed of doubt into my mind that they could betray me. So far Ink has never made me feel like he would betray me. I can hear Ray’s voice loud and clear in my head but I won’t allow my friend joking around with me to cause that doubt in my mind.

I eye Ink as I make my way slowly across the clubhouse. He nor Theo glance in my direction as I make my fast approach. I see several of the brothers I have come to know and many tip their head to me. Hammer who is Rayleighn’s boss, waves and smiles at me when he catches my eye. Other than Rider and Ink, I’ve had the most interactions with Hammer. He always comes across as a good guy, rather reserved but just like all the other members of the MC fiercely loyal, protective, and could beat anyone’s ass if they wanted to. I give him a little wave but keep moving toward my destination.