Page 8 of Rider

I tried to focus on her words and not on the fact that a man put his hands on her and tried to hurt her. I was trying to be calm on the outside but on the inside I was raging. I felt her squeeze my hand tighter and I looked over to her face. I took my free hand and traced the pad of her lips with my thumb. How dare anyone try to hurt this sweet angel. I kept my voice low and with my eyes locked on hers, I whispered, “If I ever meet him. I’ll make sure he can’t use both his legs for months.”

Her eyes widened in shock but after a second she slowly nodded in understanding. I moved my hand to the back of her neck and it was as if I could feel my palm tingling as it met her bare skin. I don’t know which one of us moved first but when our lips touched I was made for her. I licked the seam of her mouth, asking for entry and she opened instantly for me. I tasted her tongue and made love to her mouth. She tasted like candy, strawberries and cream. I couldn’t get enough. I don’t know how long we kissed but when I heard one of the brothers yell out a catcall, I knew it had gone on too long for this setting.

When we pulled apart her cheeks were red with embarrassment. I caressed her face with the back of my knuckles trying to reassure her. “Sweetheart, it’s ok. The guys just like to joke around. Trust me I’ve seen half these guys literally fucking in the clubhouse so they have no room to talk about us kissing.”

She nodded but I could tell the moment had been ruined. Either by what I said or the guys goofing around. “Rider, would it be ok if you took me home now? It’s getting late and I better get back so Mrs. Lopez can get some rest.”

I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment. “Yeah, sure. Wait here, I’ll go get our coats.” I got up off the couch and walked the length of the clubhouse to get them all the while thinking about how much I didn’t want the night to end.


I sat on the couch waiting on Rider while he got our coats. It had been a good night. I had gotten to know him better and he seemed like a great guy with a good head on his shoulders. The only thing I wasn’t sold on was the fact that he was in this club. All the guys had been nice and friendly but I hadn’t actually interacted with any of them. I had met some of the women walking around in jean jackets with the sleeves cut off and the club patch that Rider had on his leather one. He explained they were some of the guys’ old ladies but he didn’t elaborate and I didn’t ask further questions. The night was going well, but once I heard about people having sex in here and probably on the very couch that we sat on, it kind of killed the mood for me. It made me think again at how different we were.

He was established with a house and his own business. I was a single mother struggling to keep the lights on who had a baby before I could even legally drink. Were we really compatible? I couldn’t deny the chemistry between us. I rubbed my neck instinctively, it felt like I could still feel his fingers on me. When he touched me it was as if I were on fire, I felt alive. I was lost in my thoughts before I even realized someone had approached me. I felt the dip of the couch beside me and looked over to see one of the guys who had been eying us all night from the pool tables. He sat too close for comfort and I nervously looked around the room to see if anyone had noticed.

“Hey sweet thing. I saw you getting cozy with Rider tonight. Never seen you around here before. You gonna let some of us get a chance to hang out with you tonight? Let’s go up to my room.”

My mouth gaped like a fish. I didn’t even know how to respond to that. Before I could stutter out a reply, hands latched onto his shoulders and thrust him up and off the couch. Rider stood above him and threw him against the nearest wall, pushing him hard against it and getting right into the man’s face. I couldn’t see Rider’s face but I could feel the anger rolling off of him. His shoulders rigid and tense, his fists holding onto the man’s leather vest. I couldn’t hear what he was saying to the guy but I could see the blood drain from his face as Rider continued to talk. As quickly as he shoved him against the wall, he let go of him and he slid to the floor.

Rider stood there looking down at him and took the time to straighten his jacket. When he was done he turned around and walked back towards me, he reached down and picked up my jacket and opened it for me to put my arms in. I was on autopilot as I put my arms into the jacket replaying what had just happened in my mind. As I put my arms in he whispered to me, “I’m sorry for that. Casper’s had a little too much to drink and wasn’t being a gentleman. The next time you see him he’ll apologize for what he said to you.”

We walked out in silence and Rider gave a wave to several people along the way. When we got outside the cool air hit me and it was cold water in my veins, my sense suddenly on alert. I stopped in my tracks and looked at Rider. When he realized that I hadn’t kept walking he turned back around. “What the hell Rider!” He winced at my tone and at least had the nerve to look apologetic. “What was with that guy? Did you hear what he said to me?”

He tilted his head and looked at me like I had asked him a dumb question. “Of course I heard what he said. Hence why I shoved him against the wall and threatened to rip off his balls and make him eat them.”

Well no wonder the guy went as white as a ghost. I asked him the question I wasn’t even totally sure I wanted the answer to, “Do you guys like, share girls? Is that what typically goes on here? If that’s the case I’m not into that kind of thing and I think we should part ways.”

“Honest answer. Yes, guys share a lot of the girls that come around but I don’t. I never share, sweetheart and you, you’re different. The girls that they share are club hang arounds and wanna be old ladies. You, you are so good and pure and real old lady material.”

His words soothed my nerves, they shouldn’t have but they did. I still wasn’t a hundred percent sure I knew what being an old lady entailed but I could keep my mind open. I gave him a small smile and it must have reassured him enough to grab my hand. “Before Casperdecided to interrupt our evening, I had a really great time with you tonight. The more I learn about you, I like you more and more. I really think we could have something here. I feel very protective of you and before you say it, I know you can take care of yourself but it’s time darlin’ to let someone else help you and I want that to be me.”

I felt the same way. I felt like we did have a connection. Deep inside me I still had worries about his affiliation to the club and what it could mean for me and Colton. My face must have betrayed me and shown him I had doubts. He pulled me towards him by his bike and helped me put my helmet on.

“Stick with me and I’ll make sure you’re always taken care of. You never have to worry about anything with me and this club coming back on you. This club and I protect what’s theirs and I want you to be mine.”

I looked into his eyes and I believed he meant what he said. I gave him a nod and got on his bike like I was a pro even though it was only the second time I’d ever swung my leg over one. He walked over and gave me a kiss that had been better than any of our kisses yet. This one had me holding on to him extra tight as he drove me home.

I opened the door slowly and as quietly as I could. I didn’t want to take the chance of waking Colton or Mrs. Lopez if she had fallen asleep. Lately Colton had been in a sleep regression and would wake up at the smallest noise. When I walked into the living room, Mrs. Lopez was stretched out on the couch asleep with a blanket over her. It always killed me to have to wake her up when she fell asleep here but once I had let her sleep and she got so mad and made me promise to always wake her up to go home. She said that she refused to sleep in any other bed besides the one and her husband had shared. I swear when she told me that it took everything I had in me not to cry right there in front of her. It was the sweetest and most heartbreaking thing I’d heard.

I walked to the kitchen to buy myself a minute before waking her up. I needed a drink of water and I wanted to have a cup on hand for the night in case Colton got up thirsty. Just as I sat down my phone started buzzing in my pocket. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of it being Rider already telling me that he missed me or even asking to see me again. I pulled my phone out and what I saw made my blood run cold.

Unknown: I want to see my kid.

Those six words had me running to the sink and retching. I splashed cold water on my face and tried to pull myself together. It had been over two years since I had heard from or seen Grayson. I didn’t even think he’d still have my number—that’s one reason why I had never changed it. He never showed any interest in Colton and he had made his feelings clear when he found out I was pregnant. He wasn’t around for the birth or any moment of Colton’s life. When Colton was born I had left the father’s name blank on his birth certificate. He may have given his sperm but he was definitely not a father.

“Are you alright dear?”

I nearly jumped out of my skin when Mrs. Lopez’s voice startled me. I turned around and gave her a weak smile.

“What’s wrong dear? Did you not have a nice time tonight? He seemed like a very nice young man, at least that’s the way he came across during ourchat.”

Of course Mrs. Lopez would be wondering how my date went. I hadn’t been on a date in over two years. This was big news in our world. I was actually surprised she wasn’t waiting at the door, wanting every single detail. I tried to think about the evening so I could tell her all about it but all I could do was stare over to my phone sitting on the kitchen table. I didn’t want to touch it for fear he would message me again. I’d have to really think over how to respond and I would take my time in doing so. I didn’t want to respond at all but if Grayson was anything like how he was back when we were together, then he would start to become relentless. If he knew it was something that would upset me, I’m sure he’d go after it twice as hard.

I did what I knew how to do. The thing that would protect me the most in this moment, I completely avoided the situation and threw myself into telling Mrs. Lopez all about my night, even the part where I I got propositioned and my doubts about the club and Rider’s affiliation with it. She took it all in stride as I told her and when I was finished telling her about the night she sat for a moment before speaking.

“Did you genuinely have a good time with Rider?”

There was no hesitation. “Yes. He makes great conversation, we laugh and he seems to really respect me and my views on things.”