Page 98 of Flashback

“Speak for yourself,” Chloe said. “Don’t let her bullshit you, Kendra. She’s the one who set up all those defensive moves because she liked the idea of training herself to be Rambo.” She was grinning affectionately. “But I have to admit she did a good job of it. I just did what she told me.”

“Except for the cooking,” Sloane added.

“It kept me busy,” Chloe said. “Paradise can be extremely boring with nothing to do.”

“I imagine it could,” Kendra said. “I’ve never had to worry about that.” The sisters were obviously completely different and yet she could see the affection. She rubbed her throat again. The flesh was still sore, and she was glad she hadn’t had to deal with Lynch when she—


Dammit! She didn’t have to check her watch to know that she’d been more than twenty minutes. She headed for the door. “I’ll be right back. I forgot that I promised to meet Lynch.”

“Ah, the mysterious Lynch you told us about,” Sloane said with a smile. “I can hardly wait. Do you need us to run interference?”

“That’s the last thing I want. You might make him a sandwich if you like. Since he’s been trotting all over this island while I’ve been tucked in here with both of you for the past half hour.” She didn’t wait for them to answer. She was out the door in three minutes but she ran into Lynch just outside the radio shack. He didn’t look pleased.

“I know, I’m late.” She held out her hand to ward him off. “But good news: I located Sloane and Chloe, and they’re both alive and well.”

He nodded. “Well, that’s a relief.”

“They appear to be very familiar with the island. Did you see any sign of boat or helicopter activity while you were searching? Sloane said she’s been keeping an eye out and she’ll be glad to show us around.”

“How kind,” Lynch said caustically. “But I believe I’m up to date at the moment on Wallace and his ugly crew. Perhaps later.” He took a step closer to her. “What I’m really interested in knowing is how you managed to get that ugly bruise on your throat? I know you didn’t have it when you left me.” His fingers touched the bruise. “How?”

“An accident.” She moistened her lips. “A misunderstanding with Sloane. Now drop it, Lynch.”

“I will. I’m going to let you take me inside and I’ll be very charming. I just want you to introduce me and let me set the rules. Then it will be over.”

“I set the rules,” she said firmly. “They’ve lost people they care about.”

He nodded. “And I have no intention of losing anyone I care about. Don’t worry. I won’t be ugly.” He opened the door of the radio shack with a flourish. “So introduce me, Kendra.”

“I have to admit, he’s very interesting.” Chloe was watching Lynch move around the kitchen half an hour later. “And he’s getting along with Sloane very well, which is a relief. I was afraid that she’d be antagonistic toward him when he started telling her all the places on the island he was going to ask her to take him after dinner.”

“She offered to do it. I heard her.” Kendra shrugged. “Why were you surprised?”

“Because she regards this island as her own special place these days… and he’s a very dominant personality. Of course, he probably won her over when he ran out and got Harley and brought him back here. He’s a very appealing pooch.”

“Yes, he is,” Kendra agreed. “Though he’s capable of getting in a great deal of trouble. That’s why we try to keep him away from the seals. But everyone does love him.” She looked Chloe in the eyes. “Even Todd Williams liked him.”

“I’m sure.” Chloe smiled. “One blue eye and one brown. Detective Williams had a big heart. He could never resist an animal that unusual.”

“Lynch told you what happened when I took Harley to see Williams?”

“A few things,” Chloe said. “We were asking a lot of questions and Lynch was kind enough to answer them.” She was silent a moment. “And then he went on and told us how Todd Williams died and his last words to and about us.” She was blinking tears away rapidly. “And then we realized how kind a man your friend Lynch really could be.”

“Yes,” Kendra said quietly. “You should have seen Lynch after Williams’ car was found. He risked his life to get to him, and I believe Williams knew it. I think he knew we’d never stop looking for you. Because he trusted us.”

“So do we,” Chloe said. She smiled. “And you found us.”

“We located you,” Kendra corrected. “But we haven’t really found you until we bring you home. That comes next.” Her smile faded. “And it’s difficult waiting right now. I want it over. I want all the deaths to stop.”

“Me too,” Chloe said.

Kendra lowered her voice. “One question, Chloe… Why did you have a garrote under the floor of your bedroom? It looked like the same contraption the killer might have used.”

Chloe looked stunned. “You found that?”

Kendra nodded.