Page 93 of Flashback

“That’s a disappointment.”

“If it was the truth. He appears to like cash. Williams could have bribed him to say anything he wanted.”

“At least you realize how Delgado is trying to play you.”

“It did occur to me, you know.”

“Then why were you determined to hire this particular boat?”

“Perhaps I had a reason.” He tilted his head. “What do you think?”

She was gazing at him with narrowed eyes. “I think you’d better explain in detail before I get very annoyed.” She suddenly snapped her fingers as it came to her. “The navigation system.”

“You got it.”

She slapped her forehead. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of it until now. There’s a GPS record of all this boat’s trips in there.”

He nodded. “As soon as I’m sure we’re totally out of sight, I’ll examine the navigation console and cycle it back through several trips.”

She gazed eagerly at the map. “And you’ll see where the boat has gone and trace Todd Williams’ journey.”

He nodded. “That’s the idea. Does it meet with your approval?”

“You bet it does.” She gave him a quick hug. “Brilliant. Let’s get started. And I’ll definitely have to tell Darlene that you’re not just a pretty face!”

“What a relief,” he drawled. “I can’t tell you how worried I was about that.”

Wallace smiled as he focused his binoculars more closely on the boat that was now almost flying across the water. It was all going exactly the way he had planned, he thought. He had been right to be patient when he hadn’t been able to take down Kendra as quickly as he had hoped after Lynch began interfering. But her death would be all the more satisfying now that his plans were coming together. It would be the ultimate pleasure to see the light fading from her eyes.

He switched his focus so that he could enjoy gazing at the bitch where she was sitting on the boat. She looked wonderfully happy today and quite beautiful. She was wearing white shorts and a red-and-white sweater and the sun was shining on her hair and making her seem to glow. Or maybe it was that bastard, Lynch, who was making her this happy. He must be screwing her or he wouldn’t be willing to risk his neck as he’d done lately. Go ahead, get it while you can. Make her glow so that those final moments will be that much more satisfying for me when she knows what I’m taking away from her. He enjoyed that particular part of his work most of all, and he was looking forward to all the agony and sadness he’d be able to inflict on this woman who had the nerve to hurt and defy him. No one was allowed to do that. He was the one who had to be in control.

But his phone was ringing now. Victor Krebb. This should make the son of a bitch happy. He reluctantly shifted his glance away from Kendra to answer it. “Hello, Victor. I was just about to call you.”

“But you didn’t,” Krebb said curtly. “Look, Wallace, you can’t keep ignoring me to go your own way. Remember, I’m the one who saved your life when you managed to annoy everyone, even the president. I’ve been giving you profitable work that will benefit us both. But you have to cooperate with me.”

He didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want to do, Wallace thought. Krebb had never learned that in all these years. “Why, I am cooperating, Victor. I was just going to call you and tell you that Kendra Michaels and Lynch have rented Delgado’s boat and are skimming toward you and your men even as we speak. I told you what I thought they’d be planning. Soon all we have to do is set up a trap and then gather them in.”

“You mean I will,” Krebb said sourly. “I haven’t seen you helping me lately.”

“I’ve been doing your dirty work for you all over Europe for the past fifteen years. I’d still be there now if you didn’t need me to come back and help clean up the mess you made for yourself here.”

“Your mess,” Krebb said. “It was only fair that you come back and help perform cleanup duty after Setzer opened his mouth to those sisters.”

“I took care of Setzer with my usual efficiency,” Krebb said. “Your men were supposed to take care of the rest.”

“Plans change. You know that, Wallace. We needed your help to track down every person privy to our little secret and every piece of evidence that might give us away. Again, your fault.”

“We both have our places in the scheme of things,” Wallace said. “You have a lethal group of men to order about and keep our enterprises afloat. I have superior brains and a fine intellect, which you lack.”

“Bullshit,” Krebb said. “I’m getting sick and tired of you trying to tell me what to do. You’re not moving fast enough. You’ve gotten distracted from the real mission here. This isn’t one of your sick games, Wallace. If you don’t start giving me what I need, you might find me going on the attack by myself.”

“Really? I wouldn’t suggest you do that,” Wallace said softly. Krebb was doing it again, he recognized with annoyance. Perhaps it was time to make certain it never happened again. “I know what needs to be done.”

Krebb didn’t answer immediately. He might have sensed how dangerous it could be. Wallace found himself disappointed. He’d already begun to wonder whether he needed to use a dagger or a gun to teach Krebb his lesson and exactly where to land the first blow.

Krebb finally spoke in a subdued tone. “I just need you to respect me and to move a hell of a lot faster.”

“Then consider it done,” Wallace said. “Whatever you want, Krebb.”