Page 47 of Flashback

“It’s nice.” Kendra ducked to avoid a winged monkey. “I’d love to talk to the owners and see if they had any contact with Chloe and Sloane.”

Perry jotted something into his notebook. “We’ll track them down, maybe through their workplaces. I’ll let you know what we come up with.”

Kendra definitely felt uncomfortable relinquishing control to Perry and his officers, but she nodded anyway. Oh, well, she’d decide what to do later. Then she realized Lynch was watching her, and he suddenly chuckled. Sometimes it was like the bastard could read her mind, she thought crossly. Was it possible that what made him so infuriating was the exact same thing that made her miss him so much when he was away for weeks at a time?



“I’ll let you know as soon as we track down the owners of that property,” Perry said as he walked Kendra and Lynch toward the Lamborghini. “It shouldn’t take more than a day or two at most.”

“Thank you,” Kendra said. “I’d appreciate knowing as soon as possible. It may open the entire case if we can trace what the sisters told the owners of this house. I know you want that as much as we do.”

“Of course I do.” But his answer was absentminded as he gazed at the Lamborghini. “That’s quite an automobile. I bet it gets a lot of attention.” He turned to Lynch and said wistfully, “I’ve always wanted a car like that. But I guess everyone does.”

Kendra had had enough of car worship for one day. She jumped into the passenger seat. “Thanks for everything, Perry. We’ll be in touch.”

“My pleasure,” Perry said. “You’ve been a great help.”

“She always is.” Lynch hurriedly jumped into the driver’s seat and started the car. “If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” Then he was roaring out of the driveway. He shot her an amused glance. “I wasn’t sure if you were going to let me get in the car. Did he annoy you that much?”

“Not really. I just wanted to get away from the automobile cult so we could get to work. It was obvious he wasn’t going to be all that helpful.” She turned, looked over her shoulder, waved at Perry, and smiled sweetly. “While he tracks down the current owners, I’d like to go deeper.”


“How about the residents of that house fifteen years ago, when the Bayside Strangler murders were happening? That’s what Chloe and Sloane may have been interested in. How fast can you get us that info?”

“Ah, so you’re going to use me? I admit I do like to be needed.”

“We’ll see,” Kendra said. “You managed to get the info we needed here. How fast, Lynch?”

“If you drive so I can concentrate, I’ll get right on it. I regard it as a challenge.”

She made a face. “Pull over. Much as I hate to be associated with your blasted fan club, I regard it as my duty to help get this information as quickly as possible.”

“Nah.” His eyes were dancing with mischief as he pulled over to the side of the road. He then exchanged seats with her. “You’re just using it as an excuse to get the chance to drive this beauty. I know you’ve been secretly lusting after it.”

“You’re crazy,” she said as she started the engine. “Just give me directions and I’ll show you how eager I am to drive the damn thing. How are you going to get me this info?”

“Probing. Trial and error. I’ll find it.”

She hadn’t the slightest doubt that he would search until he did. His intensity was incredible as he went through databases with speed and accuracy.

“How is it coming?” she asked after ten minutes.

“Good enough. I’m bringing up real estate records now,” Lynch said. “Fifteen years ago, that house was owned by a property management company.” He pulled up an address. “They’re still around, on Bankers Hill.”

“Next to Little Italy?”

“Yep. We’re going the right way now.” He looked at his watch. “And we’re right on schedule. I just sent a text to June Adcock, co-owner of the company, and asked if we can drop in and ask a few questions. Another few minutes…”

June Adcock was a woman in her sixties with brick-red hair and a brisk but smart demeanor. But she appeared to be willing to talk about the Baum place. According to her, it was more a tourist attraction than anything more dangerous.

“I can’t tell you much more about it,” June said. “The Baum place was a popular rental property for vacationers, especially Wizard of Oz fans.”

“We’re looking for renters from a certain period,” Kendra said. “It’s been a while. Fifteen years ago last summer.” Kendra pulled up the Notes app on her phone and displayed the date range of the Bayside Strangler murders. “Do you think you can give us a list of the renters of that house during this time?”

“Well, it would be an extremely short list.”