Page 40 of Flashback

“True. But I always work hard at making certain you’re happy, don’t I? I never leave you out in the cold?”

She shook her head. “I have to admit, there’s nothing cold about you, Lynch.”

His eyes narrowed on her expression. “But is there an implied but in that sentence?”

“Perhaps,” Kendra said slowly. “No one can be more charming or entertaining and the sex is wonderful, but you’re so many-faceted that sometimes I’m not sure I really know you. You just told me about growing up an orphan in New York, but I don’t remember you mentioning it before. I know you’re a great cook. Is Hell’s Kitchen where you learned it? What else don’t I know about you, Lynch?”

“Probably a good many things, but it’s not because I’m intentionally keeping secrets from you. Ask me and I’ll tell you anything you’re interested in knowing. I’ve just never been generous about sharing the more seamy side of my life with you. Some of it’s not been easy or pretty. But I’ll even go down that road if you choose.”

“I don’t choose,” she said jerkily. “I don’t have the right. Forget I asked.”

He chuckled. “And now you’re feeling guilty? I don’t care, Kendra. If you want to explore, step into my world. Just don’t go too deep. I don’t want to have to dive after you.”

“You won’t,” Kendra said. “But now you know how I felt when you were running around thousands of miles away, possibly getting shot at, and there was nothing I could do to help.”

“Yes, I know how you must have felt,” he said quietly. He was no longer smiling. “My worst nightmare.”

But she was no longer wanting to think of nightmares. She wanted to take a step forward where hopefully no nightmares existed. “But I should have been grateful that you wanted to be there for me this time. Because it’s not only me that you’re helping now.” She suddenly turned and gave him a swift, hard kiss. “I am grateful. I wasn’t at all gracious. Please forgive me. I won’t be that way again.”

“You probably will.” He was laughing as he gave her an affectionate hug. “But I’m just happy that you decided to be gracious this time. I’m sure the occasions will be few and far between.”

Her lips were suddenly twitching. “And that was bordering on rudeness, Lynch. I didn’t deserve it since I was being exceptionally polite at the moment.”

“Then I’d better make amends very swiftly,” Lynch said. “Any suggestions?”

“Maybe,” Kendra said. “And if those sisters are still alive, I might have found a way to help them.”

His eyes narrowed. “What are you up to, Kendra?”

“It’s a big if, I know. But I have to try.”

“We have to try.”

She turned to face him. “Yeah?”

“I’m in this with you to the end.” His hand tightened on her waist. “I thought I made that very clear. Now what’s your play?”

She drew a deep breath. “Detective Perry has the Morgan sisters’ files spread out over a conference room at police headquarters. It was interesting seeing them that way. Chloe and Sloane were excited about something they found in the last month, just around the time they started re-interviewing witnesses.”

“Interesting. Was there anything special in those new interviews?”

“Not really. But seeing everything reminded me of what Olivia noticed… about how there was no file for Detective Williams, even though new material from him appears elsewhere.”

“Right, so he’s obviously still alive.”

“I looked him up. He retired from the force four years ago, but he’s still local. I believe I should talk to him.”


Kendra felt the excitement begin to soar. They were together again. It was going to happen. This was how it was supposed to be. “How about right now?”

Lynch nodded. “Let’s do it.” He was already heading for the front door. “I’ll drive.”

“I’d forgotten how ridiculous this car is, Lynch.” His new Lamborghini was attracting more than its share of attention in Williams’ middle-class suburban street.

He smiled. “There’s nothing ridiculous about pure automotive perfection.”

“I think a guy back there gave your car an actual catcall.”