Page 104 of Flashback

The gunman powered up the baton and jabbed it at the seals. But before he could make contact, Harley jumped from the surf and sank his teeth into the man’s arm.

The gunman screamed, and the shock baton went flying. Harley barked and ran back and forth, sending the seals scurrying into the water. The other men swung their assault rifles in Harley’s direction and fired.

Too late. The dog leaped into the dark water and swam away.

“Wow,” Chloe said. “I don’t know how much he’s protecting the rest of us, but he definitely has those seals’ backs.”

The gunmen now stood before Krebb, who was obviously giving them instructions. With military precision, the four men turned and ran for the installation.

“Shit,” Kendra whispered. “We have problems. Four more guys.”

“What now?” Chloe said.

“Get down!”

The three women dropped to their stomachs in the crawl space, hiding in the tall grass. Moments later, the four new arrivals swarmed around the sheds, forming a four-corners perimeter over the installation.

“Shit,” Sloane whispered. “We’re sealed in.”

Kendra raised her head and peered through the wood slats. “The other two guys are going through the shacks one at a time from each end. It’s only a matter of time before they make it over here.”

Sloane bit her lip. “We need to get as many of them to the radio shack as possible.”

“Why?” Kendra said.

“Because I did something before we left there.” She smiled.

Was there a hint of devilish enjoyment in that smile? Kendra frowned. “Sloane…?”

“Why are you surprised?” she asked innocently as she moved out of the crawl space. “I told you we prepared for this…”

Lynch was heading back to Kendra and the Morgan sisters with the seized assault rifles when Krebb’s second boat arrived. He ducked low and watched the attack squad double from four to eight. Of course, he’d already subtracted two from its numbers, and he was confident he could take out the rest. But he’d have to plan carefully, especially since he had Kendra, Chloe, and Sloane’s safety to factor in.

Lynch raised his binoculars and surveyed the scene.

Interesting. The new arrivals had adopted a four-corners strategy to secure the installation while the others continued to search the structures.

He could do this.

Lynch reached into his backpack and pulled out a thin-wired garrote. He flexed it between his hands, and it was virtually invisible in the darkness.


Lynch approached the first sentry, who was standing next to a shack that had once been a latrine. The man turned and tried to yell, but it was too late. Lynch snapped the garrote over his throat and squeezed. Blood oozed over the wire as it sliced through his throat. It was over in seconds.

Lynch backed away with the garrote and watched from the shadows. No one seemed to have seen or heard. He moved toward the next sentry, but something else caught his eye. Was that… Sloane?

It definitely was.

Lynch ran over and pulled her to the ground next to the radio shack. She fought him for a moment before realizing who it was.

“What in the hell are you doing?” he whispered.

“I’m trying to finish this.”


She smiled and then sniffed. “Smell.”