“I’ll have Harley, plus…” She flipped up her shirt to show the holstered automatic she was carrying. “I’ll be okay, Lynch.”
“I still don’t like it, but you’re right. It is what I would do with anyone else.”
Kendra nodded. “I hope we do find some sign of Chloe and Sloane and that it’s not going to be just another tragic ending.” She closed her eyes for an instant. “We’ve had too many of those lately. I don’t want another one.”
“Neither do I.” His arms were suddenly around her, holding her. God, he felt wonderful. He reached into his knapsack and pulled out a walkie-talkie. “Reach out if you get into trouble.”
Kendra held the device as if she’d been presented with something from another world. “A walkie-talkie? I haven’t seen one of these in a while.”
“Still very useful in places where there’s no cell reception. That one you’re holding has saved my life twice.”
If it was anyone else, she might have thought he was exaggerating. But she had no doubt Lynch was telling her the truth. She clipped the walkie-talkie to her belt. “Got it.”
“After I check out the buildings, I’ll walk up to higher ground and see if I can spot any other boats on our tail. It’ll be difficult in the dark, but I’ll give it a shot.”
Just then, they heard the barking of seals in the distance. Harley returned the barks and ran ahead of Lynch.
“So much for my protector,” Kendra said. “Seals again. I’m beginning to think bringing Harley was a mistake.”
“He’ll be fine. I’ll meet you back here in twenty minutes.” He kissed her. “Twenty minutes. If you’re late, I’ll sick the dog or the seals on you.”
She smiled and waved until she couldn’t see him any longer. It seemed strange to not be with him any longer after all this time together.
Good heavens. Exactly what she’d been trying to avoid since she first met him. Where was her independence?
She turned and started down the broken concrete path that led to the radio shack. A faded statue was positioned just before the front entrance. It was Neptune, the Roman God of water and the seas. This figure was gazing out at the ocean, keeping a watchful eye.
“The eye of Neptune,” she said aloud. It’s what Williams was trying to tell Lynch in his last moments.
They had come to the right place.
The structure’s front door was chain-locked, but there was ample room to enter through the other side, past the broken hinges. Kendra slid through and trained her flashlight around the installation. It had clearly been a radio room, although there was no longer equipment on the well-worn wooden tables. There were faded maps and posters on the wall, showing hundreds of call signs and radio relay stations. The place clearly hadn’t been used since the mid-1940s.
Kendra moved through the room and down a narrow hallway. It didn’t look like there was much more to this building, except a bathroom and maybe a—
A figure jumped from the shadows and hit Kendra with a flying tackle! Before she could react, she was on the floor and two hands closed around her throat.
“Can’t… breathe…”
The figure leaned close, squeezing even tighter. “Who are you?” her attacker whispered.
Kendra thrashed from side to side, trying to break free.
Just then, someone grabbed her assailant and pulled her away.
No, she realized. It was a woman. They both were women.
“Back off!” the second woman ordered. “Don’t you know who this is?”
“It’s Kendra Michaels.” She knelt beside Kendra and helped her sit up. “Are you okay?”
Kendra squinted to see in the darkness. “Chloe?”