Page 31 of Flashback

“Trying to keep a low profile.” He reached out and touched the bloody bruise on her temple. “Nasty.” His lips tightened. “Are you okay?”

“Of course I am. The bastard just wanted to take something I wasn’t prepared to give him.” She shrugged. “Not that I have any idea what that was.”

“Which reinforces the reason why you should let me protect you,” Bill said. “I felt guiltier than ever about introducing you to Paula when I found out what happened. Maybe we should team up. It’s not as if I wasn’t a police officer first before I was an artist.” He opened his coat and showed her his holstered automatic. “You can see I’m prepared to do that.”

“I’m afraid I prefer the artist persona, Bill,” Kendra said gently. “You look a little odd toting a gun.”

“You could get used to it.” His voice was wistful. “I kind of like the idea of protecting you. Think about it. I do get a little bored occasionally. It seemed something that would be worthwhile.”

“My sincere thanks,” Kendra said. She meant it. She could see how Bill would have moments when life would seem a little dull. Didn’t everyone? “Maybe we can set up something when life isn’t quite so hectic. But Perry seemed determined to keep me on his radar after what happened. Check with me tomorrow or the next day. And please don’t tell Olivia anything more about what happens to me.”

“Ah, an undercover assignment,” Bill said. “It would be my pleasure to spare her that worry.”

“I don’t believe pleasure will be the correct word,” Kendra said. She linked her arm in his and said cheerfully, “But in the meantime, let’s go eat one of Olivia’s wonderful dinners before I walk you back to your car this evening.”

“I look forward to it.” Bill was frowning a little. “If you’re certain Perry is going to furnish you with an armed escort to keep you safe…”






Detective Perry was waiting for Kendra when she stepped off the elevator at the police department’s third floor. The downstairs desk sergeant had made her wait almost fifteen minutes before reaching Perry and permitting her to go upstairs.

“What brings you here, Dr. Michaels?”

“You called me this morning, didn’t you?”

“You could have just called back. That’s how it’s usually done.”

“I like the personal touch. Or maybe I was moved by your concern for my welfare.”

“Well, when you left us last night, you were sporting a big bump on that blood-drenched head of yours. I wanted to make sure you woke up today.”

“Still here, still in the fight. I hoped you were calling with something more important, but I guess it’s a little early for DNA on that sample I helped collect for you.”

“Afraid so. But I thought you’d be interested in some news on that garrote.”

“Uh, maybe a little.”

“That is human blood on it.”

The news took her breath away. “Any idea how old?”

“Not yet. But they’re running DNA on it.”

Kendra nodded her approval. “Definitely worth a phone call, Perry. Thanks. Breen tells me you already started digging into the Morgan sisters’ case files.”

“You could say that. Want to see what I’ve been doing?”


He motioned for her to follow him down the corridor. “I’ve mostly been trying to get a handle on what those women were doing and the leads they were following. There’s about ten years of work to wade through.”