“That gun jams all the time. Been meaning to take it in to the shop. Good thing I haven’t, huh?”
Even through the ski mask, she could see his cheekbones rising in a wicked smile. A second later, she felt an icy coldness slicing into her right side. She gasped for air as her lung collapsed.
The intruder pushed her off him and pushed his knife into her again.
This time it went into her heart.
Kendra, what in the hell have you gotten yourself into now?”
Kendra turned over in her bed and looked at the clock: 3:15 A.M. She was only barely aware of the phone in her hand. But she knew she recognized the voice. “Lynch?”
“Sorry for the insanely early call.”
“You should be sorry. Where in the world are you right now? Are you still sticking with the Switzerland story?”
“I’d rather not say. I’ll tell you about it later.”
She smiled. Pure Adam Lynch. Someday he’d tell her about his mission in some exotic locale. “Okay, so maybe you can tell me why you’re calling me at three in the morning.”
There was a short silence. “Then I don’t suppose you’ve heard.”
“Heard what?”
He was silent for a long moment before replying. “You recently met with a retired San Diego police detective. You’re helping her with a cold case.”
If she hadn’t known him so well she might have thought that he had someone spying on her, but she knew Lynch had close contacts with the police and FBI. Still, this was invasive even for him.
“You’re incredible. I haven’t even known her for twenty-four hours. Her name is Paula Chase, and for your information, I still haven’t decided if I’m helping her or not. I’m not sure if I could be of value.”
“I’m afraid that may not be an issue, Kendra… She’s dead.”
“What?” Kendra sat up in bed.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll soon hear it from the police or maybe the news, but I wanted you to learn about it from me first. You tend to become involved.”
“Of course I do,” she said numbly. Kendra was still having trouble comprehending what she had just been told. “I suppose you even know what happened?”
“Justice thought I might be interested since you were involved.” He added roughly, “Of course I was interested. Why the hell didn’t you tell me that you were dealing with this kind of shit? You didn’t even mention it.”
“It wasn’t any of your business. Besides, all you had to do was access another of your contacts about Paula. I’m sure no one would chance upsetting you by keeping you in the dark about anything concerning me. How did she die?”
“She was murdered in her home. A neighbor called it in last night. The first officers on the scene thought she might have interrupted a burglary, but it turns out she was just at the downtown station yesterday, trying to get some help on a missing persons case that may be related to an old investigation of hers. She told the detectives that she’d gone to you for help. I guess she thought that might light a fire under them.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“My source in the SDPD was a bit incredulous, too. But since it concerned you, he knew I’d be interested. He didn’t give me many details, but her murder did accomplish one thing: The police are now taking that case much more seriously.”
“So there’s really no need for you to get involved.”
“I don’t know how you can say that. Or was that a command?”
“No. Be for real. I know you better than to try that. You don’t respond well to commands, from me or anyone else. It was just an observation. That missing persons case is now a priority, and I’m sure they’ll be searching to see if there’s any connection to the old cold case. It’s all being covered.”