Page 107 of Flashback

Kendra motioned toward the still-burning hillside. “You too.”

“We can’t take credit for Krebb,” Chloe said. “Wallace took care of that one himself.”

Lynch nodded. “Good. Some things are best left to the experts.”

Chloe laughed even as she wiped the tears from her face.

Lynch stepped toward her. “Chloe, they followed us here to hurt us. We were within our rights to defend ourselves.”

“I know. It’s just… different than I thought it would be…”

A helicopter’s engines roared from the north. Lynch listened for a moment. “It’s a navy patrol. We made far too much noise here not to be noticed. For some reason, the US military takes issue with explosions going off on their installations.” He turned to Kendra and pulled her closer. “Are you all right?”

Kendra nodded. She couldn’t take her eyes off Chloe and Sloane, who were both still staring at Wallace’s corpse. It was a moment they’d been working toward most of their lives, but she was sure it came with a mixture of emotions. She wanted to talk to them about it, but this wasn’t the time. Not yet.

The navy helicopter’s rotors kicked up a strong wind as it drew nearer.

There were hours of explanations and statements made as a steady stream of helicopters flew in from the Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado. Navy investigators swarmed over the scene as Kendra, Lynch, Chloe, and Sloane were separated and questioned. There was talk of detainment until a single call from Washington resulted in an immediate release and an official apology from the on-site naval officers.

As dawn broke over San Clemente Island, Kendra met Lynch next to the boat they’d rented. “Something made those navy guys very nervous,” Kendra said. “One of them even offered to get me some breakfast.”

Lynch smiled. “Lucky you. They just wanted me out of there.”

She tilted her head. “Now, I wonder why? I assume we have your government contacts to thank?”

“I’m sure that had something to do with it. And I’m sure no one is anxious to have the activities of the Dayton Group come to light, especially since they clearly enabled a serial killer.”

Another helicopter roared overhead and swung in a large arc over the area. Only when it landed did they see the FBI logo on the airframe. Michael Griffin climbed out and walked toward them, the still-spinning rotor blowing his hair in such a way that made Kendra admire the skillful styling that usually hid his massive bald spot.

Lynch shook his hand and smiled. “This isn’t your usual jurisdiction.”

“The navy permitted my visit as a professional courtesy. Officially, this is related to an active FBI investigation.” He lowered his voice. “Unofficially, the US attorney general wanted me to make sure you’re okay and to urge you to file a report on this incident posthaste to him and him alone. Our nation appreciates your service.” He nodded toward Kendra. “Both of you.”

“Wow,” Kendra said. “And me just a poor, weak woman trying to do her job. However can I thank you?”

“I know.” Griffin made a face. “That almost made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. But I promised to pass it along.”

Kendra turned toward Chloe and Sloane, who had stepped out of one of the tents the navy officers had erected and were using for their investigation. “You should be thanking them.”

“I will,” Griffin said. “They never gave up, did they?” He added pensively, “Even when the rest of us did.”

Griffin walked over, shook their hands, and introduced himself. He motioned toward his helicopter. “Can I give you a lift back to town? I have room for all of you.”

Lynch shook his head and pointed to the charter boat he rented. “This needs to go back to its owner in Catalina, but if the ladies would like to ride back in your copter, I don’t mind taking the boat back myself.”

“No, a short boat trip sounds good right now,” Kendra said.

Chloe and Sloane looked at each other for a moment, then Chloe responded to Kendra and Lynch with a grin. “Permission to come aboard?”

“Sure,” Kenda said. “I think we could all use the time to decompress.”

Griffin shrugged. “Okay. I need to find the base commander. I understand he’s confused and more than a little upset by what went on here last night.”

As Griffin walked away, Kendra heard the excited barking of seals in the distance. A moment later, there was a different bark.

It was Harley, she realized. She turned just in time to see him running along the shoreline in a playful gallop, followed by half a dozen seals.

Kendra shook her head. “He actually thinks he’s one of them.”