Page 39 of The Survivor

“Well enough.” She turned to Bailey. “Why don’t you run into the kitchen and get that dessert I saw Tashi making? And tell her that she’s to come out and have it with us.”

“Okay.” Bailey pushed back her chair. “But she told me no when I asked her before.” She was running toward the kitchen door but stopped to look over her shoulder at Cade. “My mother does everything extremely well,” she told him quietly. “Particularly in the mountains. She’s even better than I am there. She would never let any animal suffer or die. Naturally all those soldiers think she’s terrific.”

He smiled at her. “I’m glad you set me straight. I thought she was being too modest.”

Bailey smiled back at him. “She says bragging is stupid and ugly. But I think people should be honest with each other. I wouldn’t want you to believe a lie. I want you to be my friend.”

“And I think I’m already that, Bailey,” he said gently. “Do you want me to go help you with that dessert?”

“Nah.” She turned back toward the door. “Tashi would just give me a lecture about obeying my elders. Maybe next time.” She disappeared into the kitchen.

Maya shook her head. “She wasn’t really being rude. I’m afraid she can be a bit defensive. Do you want an apology?”

“I wouldn’t think of it,” Cade said. “I just want her in my corner when I have my next brawl.”

Maya smiled. “That can be arranged.” She looked at Riley. “I told you so.”

Riley nodded. “Yes, you did.” She glanced at Cade. “And you’re not going to be any help at all.”

Cade’s brows lifted. “Am I in trouble?”

“No, I think Bailey was entirely in the right.” She added, “And that also makes me right. What could be better than that?”

“I’m not certain.” He suddenly met her eyes. “There has to be something. Perhaps we should discuss it.”

She couldn’t breathe. The air between them had changed from amusement to intense sexuality. It had happened in the space of a second, and she could feel it in the swelling of her breasts, the pounding of the pulse in her throat. She was being bombarded by memories of the two of them together that were as explicit as they were carnal. He had caught her off guard and she was responding as she always did to him. And she could tell he knew exactly what he was doing, damn him. But that didn’t mean anyone else at the table had to know. If Maya hadn’t noticed already. “Why bother?” She took a sip of her wine. “Bailey should have her victory.”

“I wasn’t thinking of robbing her. I was thinking in terms of sharing.” His eyes were twinkling, and for a moment she thought he was going to continue. She knew that streak of mischief in him. But to her relief he smiled and turned to Maya. “You must be even better than your captain told me if Bailey has that amount of faith in you. How much time do you spend in the mountains?”

“However much is necessary.” She shrugged. “The mountains have always been a problem because we can’t always keep the shepherds and farmers in the foothills as well protected as I’d like. Between the poachers and human traffickers, they keep the sentries busy.” She changed the subject. “Besides the fact that Bailey loves the mountains and insists on spending a lot of time up there. I have to make sure that she’s kept safe.” Her lips twisted wryly. “Though she’s probably sure she can take care of herself. She was being generous when she said I knew those mountains better than her. I know enough tracking lore, but she knows every cave and path on the entire range. But that doesn’t mean anything now. I have to stay with her. I can’t let her out of my sight, and I won’t be able to keep her off the mountain.”

“You’re saying you have to be her shadow?”

“Wouldn’t you?” Her voice was suddenly shaking. “You saw what I saw in that tent.”

“I can see we have a problem.”

“Which we’ll solve.” Riley reached out and squeezed her hand. “Though it would be better if we could keep her here temporarily. Can’t you persuade her?”

Maya shook her head. “Not unless you want me to lock her in the temple prison. But even then, she’d probably find a way out. She’s been helping take care of some of the animals for the shepherds in the foothills and she won’t leave them for long. Tashi has kept her here at the temple about as long as she’ll tolerate. Maybe another day or two.” Her lips thinned. “And once she’s in the mountains, she’ll be twice as vulnerable to attack from Nadim. He’s probably waiting for his chance.”

“Then we’ll make certain he doesn’t get it,” Cade said. “I’ve been working on it, and I believe I’ve got it covered. We were just caught unaware when the bastard hit us before the plane had even landed. It won’t happen again. After I talked to Alex, I called Kirby and told him that we’re splitting up the team. He’s to bring half to the temple area together with weapons and equipment. Alex will meet them and lead them down to the barracks. But Kirby is going to take the rest of the team and head for the mountain and set up camp in the foothills.” Cade smiled at Maya. “If you’ll agree to call your mountain sentries and keep them from causing Kirby and his men grievous harm when they show up. I’ve assured them a warm welcome.”

“Without even consulting me?” she asked coolly.

“I’m consulting you now. After talking to Alex Galdar and getting a feel for the situation your forces are experiencing, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to get the wheels in motion. You can use a little more help from my team. I’ve done nothing that can’t be undone. I wanted to be ready for any development. Isn’t that what you’d do?”

She was silent. Then she said grudgingly, “Yes, but it’s lucky that you decided to tell me. You might have received some surprises you weren’t expecting.”

“You never expect surprises. That’s why they’re called surprises. I hope we’ll both be able to furnish each other with a few before this is over.” His expression hardened. “My teams will be ready to act by dawn tomorrow. I thought I’d take a trip up to the mountain then and make sure everything is in order.”

Her eyes were narrowed on his face. “All those questions you asked me… You already knew the answers, didn’t you?”

“Not to all of them. You’re still a mystery. Besides, I had to know how you felt. That can be more important than anything else.”

“I’m glad you realize that.” She glanced soberly at Riley. “He’s very dangerous, you know.”

“I’ve always known that, but I can handle him.” She grimaced. “And that’s exactly the reason you decided to manipulate us into coming to the island. Stop bitching, Maya.”