“Ma,” I whispered, pain knotting my chest.
Ba’s gaze never wavered from mine, cold and calculating. “You know why you’re here, Nathan. You must have figured it out by now.”
“Figured what out?” I demanded, though deep down, I knew the shape of this twisted narrative. This was not just punishment—it was a message, a warning sculpted in flesh and blood.
“Your mother,” Kenny spat the words like venom, “the lying whore, needs to be judged. Punished.” His voice sliced through the dank air of the basement, chilling me to the bone.
My hands clenched into fists at my sides so hard my short nails drew blood. This was the precipice, the moment before the plunge. The serpent had shed any pretense of paternal care, revealing the full horror of his nature.
“Judged by who? By you?” I challenged, my voice barely containing the fury that threatened to erupt.
“By us all,” he replied, gesturing to the silent men around him. “But don’t worry, son. You’ll play your part too.”
The finality in his tone told me everything I needed to know. This was not just a trial; this was an execution.
And I was meant to be the executioner.
Chapter Forty-Nine: Abby
Ipaced near the window, darting glances between the glass and the two figures huddled on the couch. The morning sun had just begun to dust the city with a golden sheen, but there was no warmth in it for us.
Because I had a hell of a lot of explaining to do.
“I think we might need to get out of here,” I said, my voice steady despite the thudding in my chest. “It won’t be long now before they come looking for you.”
Justin’s eyes, dark mirrors of his Nathan’s, were wide and filled with an ocean of fear, his fingers idly stroking his cat’s fur. Derek, his arm wrapped protectively around Justin’s shoulders, seemed like he wanted to say something comforting, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, his gaze flickered to me, silent pleas etched into his features.
“What do you mean?” Justin asked. “Who’s looking for me?”
I’d already told them bits and pieces–purely what was necessary–but I didn’t think I was the right person to deliver the rest of this news. Unfortunately it was becoming very clear that Justin needed more info, and he was too smart to let it lie.
I turned toward him, staying near the window as I anxiously tapped my foot, ready to flee at a moment’s notice.
“I um…I spoke with your mother last night. She told me some things.”
“Like what?” Justin shook his head. “Abby…please, just tell me. I swear I can handle it, no matter what Nathan says.”
“Okay,” I said quietly. “Your dad…it was about your dad. He isn’t who you think he is.”
“I know exactly who my father is,” Justin spat. “A fucking monster.”
“Not like that,” I murmured. “You’re not Kenny Zhou’s son.”
Justin frowned. “I’m pretty sure I am–”
“Your mother told me she had an affair when Kenny was in Hong Kong while you were kids,” I go on. “She told me Knuckles is your father.”
Justin visibly shook, a shudder running through him. Derek held him tight, his hand moving in gentle circles across Justin’s back. “I…I don’t understand.”
“We can keep talking about it, I’m sure Nathan needs to discuss it as well,” I said. Each syllable felt like a bullet, heavy and lethal. “But the bottom line is that I think Kenny found out, based on what Nathan said before he left. That’s why your mother is in danger…and why we think you might be too.”
Justin’s breath hitched, and tears spilled over, carving clear paths down his cheeks. His voice cracked as he clutched at Derek, “Is my mom gonna be okay?”
I sighed, pressing my lips into a thin line. “I don’t know, Justin. We just have to wait for Nathan. He’ll fix this.”
But even as I spoke, doubt settled like a lead weight in the pit of my stomach. Even Nathan might not be enough to stop Kenny Zhou…to stop whatever was coming to us.
“It’s going to be okay,” Derek was whispering, his voice soothing. “We’re going to get through this.”