“I’ll never get used to that.”

She shakes her head, and I smile sympathetically at her.

“I can only imagine. Mom always had a hard time watching Andrew, but she loves that he’s happy.”

“I have been coming to some conclusions lately, Delilah. There’s no judgment here, but are you involved with Miles?”

“We’ve been seeing each other for a while quietly. It could be considered a risky situation.”

“You’re wonderful with Lola and that means the world to me. I think you are good for Miles and Lola. She told me you were taking a nap in his room a couple of days ago.”

“Oh, God. I have been dreading that and feel like I should have been more cautious. She’s old enough to think something is strange.”

I blush at the idea of his family knowing I’m sleeping in his bed. They know what happens there, but since we’re telling them about a pregnancy, it will be kind of obvious. Maybe this is a good place to transition into that, but Miles isn’t here.

“We’re all adults, Delilah. If you put Lola first and keep her safe, do what you want to do. Miles has been happy lately. For a while, he seemed so touchy and distracted.”

That would be when we were having issues, I imagine.

The game picks up and we focus on it, yelling as the other team scores and then cheering when Andrew gives them another lead. I imagine sitting and watching him play with Lola and our baby down the line as they both grow up. I might be here for his first Stanley Cup and other important games.

I smile at the idea of it, and Linda glances over at me.

“How far along are you, Delilah?”




Iglance over when I’m taking a break to see that Delilah is gone, along with my mom. Worry instantly fills me and I remind myself I’m in the middle of a game. If something were wrong, they’d let me know.

I have been worried since I found out about the baby. Delilah is healthy and handles everything well, but she stays so busy with Lola. What if she’s not getting enough rest?

Lola is still there, sitting with Brynn, and they’re both smiling. Soon, there will be another child and I love the idea.

“Back out there, Adams. We need another goal.”

I snap back to reality and take to the ice when I’m clear, going to the face-off. This game is taking a lot out of me, but I keep moving, trying to make opportunities happen for us.

I keep looking over to see the two women absent from the seats. Where are they?

We win by a one goal lead and I skate to the bench, feeling drained. Everyone else is celebrating around me and I sink down to the bench, gulping water.

“Great game, buddy. You did awesome.”

Gabe is beside me, and I offer him a smile.

“Thanks, man.”

“What’s wrong?”

“She’s gone. Hasn’t been there for most of the game and I don’t know why.”

“Let’s get back there and you can check your phone. I’m sure everything is fine.”

I stand and follow the guys back without waving at the fans, intent on getting to my phone in the cubby.