“Good morning!”
She smiles at me, waving a doll in the air.
“Let’s get some clothes and I’ll make breakfast.”
Normally, I choose clothes the night before, so I hurry to find leggings and a comfy sweatshirt since it’s cold outside. I feel off and tell myself I’ll be fine. I can handle this.
In the kitchen, I get into my routine, and it calms me some after I get her juice ready. Feeling adventurous today, I make some French toast and sausage for breakfast and even make a small plate for myself. I skipped dinner last night and my stomach isn’t happy with me.
My baby isn’t happy with me. Miles’s baby.
I even fix coffee for Miles, though I’m not ready for that yet.
He’s still not out when we sit down to eat, and my nerves make my stomach knot and appetite fade. I force myself to take some bites and sip my juice, since it seems to settle my stomach.
When I finally hear footsteps, I jump. I’m washing dishes while Lola plays in my sight and I don’t turn around. Everything is normal and we’ll go on as long as I don’t look into his eyes. I still feel his presence and hold in my sigh.
There’s a long pause and I hear a cupboard open before Miles pours coffee and goes into the living room to talk to Lola.
“I am going to practice and then I’ll pick up Lola for dinner at Mom’s tonight. Around five.”
There’s no invitation for me and I nod, feeling a void in my heart.
“She’ll be all ready to go.”
He kisses Lola goodbye and though I feel his eyes on me, I pretend I’m still washing dishes and not obsessing about his next move. When he passes me to go into the garage, I hold back my shiver until the door closes behind him.
Miles smells so good, and I remember the nights I slept in his bed alone, just for that scent.
I go about my day, playing with Lola and having our little school session, which is when we use learning toys I help her with. There are so many good ones out there and this kid is going to be ready for school if I have anything to do with it.
It feels like forever before her nap, but I turn on a nature show about the ocean to watch, needing to relax before she falls asleep. It’s part of her learning, anyway. When she’s asleep in her bed, I yawn and decide to take one myself.
This is my life for now.
Lola wakes up and I get her before making a quick lunch, nibbling on some fruit as she eats. I’m still sleepy but assume that’s how it’s going to be for the time being. I’ll learn to live with it, and we take a short walk after lunch since the wind has died down for a while.
I rush her inside to get into clean clothes, selecting a cute pair of toddler jeans and a pretty purple sweater. Purple sneakers complete the outfit and I brush her hair, loving the softness of it.
What will the baby’s hair feel like? I want to hug Lola tight and never let her go, but I lean back and smile down at her.
“Daddy will be home soon to take you to dinner. Let’s wait in the living room.”
Later that night, as I relax in my room alone, Brynn sends a message telling me she’s sorry I didn’t feel well. She also tells me I’m invited to ride to the game with them, making me groan.
This gets more complicated by the day.
It takes everything I have inside to act normally at practice. The day before, I spent time with Lola and let things sink in to the point it was painful, and I ended up down in the gym later than usual.
Delilah is pregnant with my baby. I didn’t see a test, but why would she lie about that? I suspected it with Kim, but she was more than happy to show me her tests and prove the baby was mine. We were only casually dating at the time, after all.
I am not even dating Delilah, just sleeping with her behind everyone’s backs. There’s no easy way to explain that, other than making our secret obvious. We messed up.