“I have been expecting this, to be honest.”
“What’s going on? You’ve been distracted, Miles. I know it happens, but it seems to be something that’s bleeding into the game.”
I can’t tell Gabe the truth. We’re friends, but he’s also close to Andrew, and this needs to be kept quiet.
“I suppose I’m tired. These seasons can be a lot with the travel and home games and I’m trying to be a good father. How do you do it all?”
Lola is always a logical explanation, especially since I’m a single father.
“I am not doing it on my own like you are, but I just make every moment count. She’s a big part of your family and you have a nanny, so you’ve covered your bases. I understand missing her, though. Worrying. I do it a lot. Is Lola okay?”
“Fine. Thriving, actually. I’m just being a dad.”
“I get that, but we need to be one hundred and ten percent when we’re out there on the ice. You know that. On a good day, you and Andrew are indestructible out there. He’s worried, too.”
I think back to the question about dating and though he’s been quiet, I can see the question in my best friend’s eyes.
“I know. I am going to get back on track since everything is covered for me. The last few months have just been a big change.”
“Understood, and I am here if you need to talk. Let’s get some food.”
It’s the easy way out to blame losing Kim when I prefer things this way as a single father. Way to play the pity card.
God, I’m tired. I know I have been pushing myself when Miles is home, but is it normal to want to sleep every time Lola is down?
Maybe I am just catching up.
I make sure that Miles gets his time with Lola when he’s on the road, but when she’s asleep, I generally am as well. The text chats are awesome and who doesn’t love getting off? I’m just tired at night.
Come to think of it, I feel hornier than usual besides being fatigued. Great combo.
The thing is when I watch games with Miles, I can see he’s not as good as he normally is out there. It’s not as though he’s causing losses, but he and my brother are a critical team out there.
I try to think back and determine if he’s better when we’re keeping in regular touch. When he’s home, we don’t sleep a lot at all, and I know it affects both of us. I’d say we’re happy but just always behind on sleep, though I have the luxury of being home with Lola. I can nap and believe me, I do.
Miles is practicing, working out hard, and playing games. I’ve noticed he’s dropped the home workouts a bit because we exercise together in his eyes, and it worries me. I can’t be the reason he gets thrown off his game, which is his career.
It’s his life and Lola is his daughter. Who am I?
“So, how are you this week? I’ve been busy with work.”
Allison called me after work and since Lola was sleeping and I’m alone, I took the chance to catch up.
“I’ve been tired. Of course, Lola is a bundle of energy, and I am going all day, but it’s been a little worse. I feel like everything has been off.”
“Is anything different? With Lola or the day? Are you skipping meals like you did in college?”
I laugh at the memory of getting so hungry I’d almost pass out when I was studying for something.
“No, it’s not like that. I just don’t feel hungry for anything in particular, and it’s the opposite. I force myself because I need energy, but nothing seems that satisfying.”
“Food aversions?”