This just got interesting, and I don’t know what to do about it. There’s not a chance in hell I’d invite Colton to sit in the family section, but even being there with him sounds like a lot to handle.

“Delilah? Are you okay?”

“Sorry. I thought I heard Lola. That sounds good. Let me handle it on my end, and I’ll call you Wednesday.”

We talked for a few more minutes and I set the phone down when he ended the call. I get that Colton is a fan, being from Colorado, but going to a game with him sounds like a special form of hell. It’s one I don’t know how to get out of since no excuse that I can think of makes any sense.

I talk to Miles’s mom and when she asks me if I want to go to the game on Thursday, I counter with a request for her to take Lola since I have to catch up with a friend. They take as good of care of Lola as I do and love being with her.

She agrees quickly and I thank her before hanging up.

Now I can call Colton and tell him we’re on. First, I dial Alli’s number and she answers cheerfully.

“Hey. Alli. What are you doing?”

“Client work, which is going to pay well, so I can’t complain. What about you?”

“Colton wants to go out on Thursday. He has tickets to the game and wants me to go with him.”

“I am guessing you mean hockey. That could be fun. Get some dinner first and get all romantic. He can keep you warm in the arena.”

She sounds too happy about this and I wish I could tell her everything.

“It’s not that cold, dork. I’m fine in my jersey.”

I think about the one Miles gave me that’s folded in my closet, never to see the light of day.

“Do they have a kiss cam? Wouldn’t that be fun?”

Oh, God. The idea of my family watching that, not to mention Miles, makes me feel nauseous.

“Not even a little. You know how my family is, and Andrew would lose his shit. I’d prefer not to be on camera at all and save the atomic bomb known as my brother.”

“You’re no fun. I think that would be so sweet.”

My best friend is going to require a very public over the top proposal someday.

“Anyway, Lola is going with Miles’s family that night. They usually do dinner and the whole nine yards, so I know she’ll have fun. They’re as careful with her as I am.”

“That’s perfect. She’ll probably spend the night and you can go home with him.”

She just won’t stop.

“It is dinner and a game. A hang out. I don’t need to sleep with Colton.”

“If you’re not doing it with your boss, you’d better do it with somebody, Del. You need it and Miles is hot. I don’t know how you don’t jump him.”

“You are insane. Because he’s my boss? It could make things so uncomfortable and that’s gone, anyway. We’re not fighting as much.”

It made things uncomfortable, and we’re not fighting because we’re barely speaking.

“I know how I’d be handling it if it was me living there. Everywhere in my room, behind closed doors.”

“Why are we best friends again?”

I am cleaning up after breakfast on Thursday when Miles walks in before leaving for practice.

“Mom says she’s taking Lola to the game tonight.”