“Colton Danver asked you out?”

Alli sounds surprised later that night when she calls to check in.

“Well, he asked me to dinner. Not for me to marry him.”

“He was always so hot in school in that nerdy, intelligent way. He’s probably better now, right?”

“He’s aged well.”

I can’t lie about that. Colton is appealing as a man, but not to me right now.

“When is dinner?”

“Well, the team is gone for a week, which means I am on Lola duty. I’ll have to work that out.”

“She has family that would love to have her for a sleepover, I’m sure.”

“Slow down, Alli. It’s just dinner.”

I can’t imagine being intimate with anyone other than Miles right now, but she’ll never know that.

“Maybe. You never know. I just know that little kids stay the night a lot because they go to bed early and Miles’s family seems like they adore her. Your mom would have her over.”

“I’ll figure that out. He’s got my number so we can talk about it. He’s going to med school like he always said he would. Crazy.”

“Like I said, intelligent hot. I need to look him up because I sure haven’t seen him around.”

We talked a bit longer as I listen to Miles moving around the house. It’s faint, but I am so aware of him and hate every second. I’m sure Lola is in bed, and I turn on my monitor, set up right next to my bed. He has an early flight tomorrow, so I am in charge for a while.

When the call ends, I try a podcast to relax me. I’m showered for the next day and tucked into bed where I should be cozy; maybe the droning of the host will lull me to sleep.

Did his family ask about me and if so, what did Miles tell them? It’s not like we’re besties, but we get along well enough in front of everyone. Did he even miss me?

I turn to my side and close my eyes, reminding myself that my little tornado will be up early tomorrow. Lola will be able to say bye to her dad and then I get to keep up with her. So many things play through my mind, and I try to stop the thoughts.

I get a few hours of sleep and I’m up with Lola at just past six in the morning. Her energy grates on me as I get her juice and fix some breakfast. I suck on coffee like it’s my job.

Miles walks in, dressed for the flight with luggage in hand. I expected that, but my mood plummets at the sight of him.

“My bug is up. I have to go to work for a while. Will you be good for Delilah?”

Miles picks her up and hugs Lola as I watch in envy.

“Mom said she’ll take her if you need a break.”

Miles sounds so nonchalant, and I sigh slowly. We used to have genuine conversations, didn’t we?

“I am trying to plan a dinner date, so I’ll keep that in mind.”

Shit, shit, shit. Why did I say that? I look to see his face set in a scowl for a moment before he closes his eyes.

“A date? That was fast.”

Is he jealous after kicking me out of his bed?

“Old friend from school. It just happened.”

I shrug casually to pretend I don’t care about what he thinks.