Miles is gone in an instant and I slip to the floor, gripping the counter to stand. What just happened?
I grip my water and make my way back to my room, closing the door before I lean against it. That felt amazing. Nothing has ever felt like that, and I doubt it will again.
When I have some strength, I go into the shower to rinse off, since I’m a mess. It doesn’t make it any easier to sleep and I toss and turn, replaying the events of the night before I drift off for a couple of hours.
Miles has practice in the morning, and he kisses Lola goodbye without meeting my gaze. I sip my coffee as I’m waiting for toast, pretending nothing happened here in the kitchen I am standing in.
Thankfully, Lola slept in enough for me to clean up in here, so I felt like I could cook food again.
We eat and go through the day in the routine Lola is used to. She’s as happy as ever, talking about a little of everything as I only half listen, too distracted by everything. Maybe I just need some time, but I don’t know how to bounce back from any of this. It’s not normal for me to mess around with a boss and this situation seems even worse than something that might happen with an ordinary boss who isn’t your brother’s best friend.
Somehow I get through the day and make a simple dinner, excusing myself afterward when Miles asks for some time with Lola.
I need some time away from him. It works for me.
What the fuck was I thinking back there? I close the door to my room and stand still, taking several deep breaths. Licking my lips, I can still taste Delilah and I go into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face.
She’s delectable, and I want to go back for more. Delilah tastes like fucking honey.
This is her fault. I walked by her room wanting to talk and that’s when I heard her moaning my name in the throes of an obvious orgasm. The idea of Delilah touching herself while thinking of me is incredible, and I listened like a pervert before running into the kitchen to regain my composure.
Seeing her enter the kitchen flushed and unsteady on her feet made me want Delilah more than ever.
“It can never happen again. Nanny. Lola. Andrew.”
I need sex. This proves that more than ever and I know I can just find a random woman and have my way with her before returning to normal life. I’m a pro hockey player and that’s one of the easier parts of the job if I want it. Lola is three now and well-cared for, so I can take some time for myself.
That’s why people get nannies, whether they are single or taken.
I shower and take care of myself in the hot water, telling myself I will never touch Delilah again.
In the morning, I wake up when it’s still dark and work out for a while. By the time I’m showered and ready to leave for practice, the girls are up for the day and I can’t bring myself to look at Delilah. I’ll never get the memory of how she looked coming for me last night out of my head. I kiss Lola goodbye and walk out to my car, leaning back in the seat with a sigh.
Time will fix this. We’ll forget it happened and I’ll sleep with some woman and get it out of my system. Lola needs to be my priority here.
When I get to the arena and dress for the skate, I only feel slightly better. Seeing Andrew sends my anxiety into a spiral, and I drop my bag in front of my cubby.
“Are you good, Miles? You seem a little unsettled.”
Andrew looks at me from the bench beside me as he takes a break from lacing his skates.
“I’m good. Long workout and I am just feeling a little jittery, I guess.”
That sounds legit, since he knows how much I work out. I pull on my practice jersey and shake my hair out. I should get it cut soon.
“It seems like more, but okay. Is Lola good?”
“Great. I saw her before I left. Thanks again for the nanny suggestion. It’s helped a lot.”
Why can’t I say his sister’s name? I am going to blow this out of the water.
“No problem. I knew you’d need it, and my sister seems to be doing a great job. You, on the other hand, might need to do something for yourself to be less neurotic.”