“What? I did nothing.”
I follow Lola into the house, inhaling the scent of pot roast greedily. It is everyone’s favorite meal that Linda cooks across the board, and I can’t wait to eat.
“Yum. That smells amazing and the guys will hate you for not inviting them.”
Linda laughs and looks at me with a tilt of her head and a soft smile. Miles takes after her and Lola has her hair.
“I’ll have leftovers for you to take home for both. They’re pushing themselves hard, as always.”
“I’ve barely seen them. Miles will appreciate the food a lot and Andrew will come over for it, even if he’s sleepwalking.” I look at her as she nods with a proud smile. “Has Miles always worked this hard at hockey?”
“He started with football, but a friend got him on the ice and that was that. Miles was always athletic, of course. Lola is busy, just like he was when he was a kid. But he took to the ice and hockey immediately, and I was a hockey mom.”
I love her smile when I look at her.
“That’s Andrew. He skipped all sports and went right to hockey, but it was the same deal for my mom. I went to a lot of practices and games as a kid.” The memories of me complaining make me laugh as I follow her into the kitchen.
Linda gets me some lemonade and we sit on the couch near Lola as she plays with toys she brings out of her grandmother’s room, causing a mess.
“Is it good at the house? He’s not being a caveman about her?”
Linda knows her son well and has been strongly on my side since she met me.
“He’s calmed down a lot, but it was a rough start. I get it and it’s nice to see someone caring so much about their child, especially a man like Miles. He’s so protective.” I laugh to lessen the meaning behind my words.
“He was when she was born. Right from the start, and it made me so proud, Delilah. They didn’t make it as a couple, but he was so focused on Lola when he spent time with her. That little girl never doubted how her dad felt about her and never will.” Linda looks at Lola. “When Kim died, it changed Miles, but he turned it into strength for him to be a single father. We all helped him, but Miles was amazing. I know how hard it was to look for a nanny, but he’s so lucky to have you.”
“Thank you.”
“Miles can rest well knowing you’re in charge of Lola. He throws himself hard into the season and I suspect he worried that might not happen this time around. Sure, he doesn’t have to play and can live just fine, but hockey is in his blood. Miles is young and deserves to get every accolade out of his career that he can.”
“I’d say the same about Andrew minus being a dad. They’re a great team out there.”
“You haven’t been to a lot of games over the last few years because of college, right?”
That is when Miles started with the team and got to know my brother. I wasn’t a big part of it, being away doing my thing, and didn’t see as many games as I wanted to.
“Unfortunately. School took a lot of my time, and I was trying to get experience as much as I could. I went to a few and met Miles a couple of times, but most of that time was spent giving Andrew a hard time. He deserved it after being such a mama bear with me.” I smile and Linda laughs.
“That will never change. He’s watchful over you, Delilah. I think they’ll both be like that with Lola. Poor girl.”
We both laugh and I try to imagine the future.
“No guys will get anywhere near Lola.” I look at the little girl with a smile. “She will hold her own just fine, though. We’re all going to teach her to take care of herself and with that sass, she’s already on the way there.”
There are enough leftovers to feed an army, and I stack the Tupperware in the fridge after Lola is tucked into bed. I leave a note for Miles and assume he went to sleep since we weren’t here.
On the way to my room, I look at the calendar with his schedule. Their first home game is in three days, and there’s one more before they leave for a week. I already ordered Lola a tiny little jersey representing Miles to wear during games, both at home and at the arena. She’s Miles’s biggest fan, though Lola doesn’t know it yet.
I have a few jerseys with Andrew’s name on them that I’ve collected for years. They’re well-worn and loved, and I hope Lola feels the same way about the ones she’ll wear over the years.
In the morning, I saw that Miles had been awake and eaten some food since there’s a plate in the sink. Going to the basement door, I listen for music. He has soundproofed the basement for his long workout sessions.
There’s rock music playing, and I know he’s home. I close the door and get breakfast for Lola, starting our day. She’s happy after a good night’s sleep and when the basement door opens and Miles enters the kitchen, Lola calls for her daddy.
I step back and let them have their time, trying not to look at Miles too closely in his loose shorts and fitted, sweat-soaked t-shirt. It hides nothing and I take my coffee into the kitchen to fuss over nothing, asking him if he’s hungry.