We didn’t even conclude the conversation I was trying to have with the stubborn man. It’s sexy as hell that he loves Lola as much as he does, and I admire that quality in Miles. I never knew the protective dad thing would do this much for me before now.

The dream plays through my mind as I drop onto the bed. Well, dreams. There have been a few, but they’re all hot and I wake up to get myself off every damn time. Miles looked at me like in the dreams and it took everything I had in me not to give in tonight.

Not the point. That would be the fact I am taking the best care of Lola. I know how to do it. She eats healthy food, I give her a ton of affection and all my focus when I’m with her, and she’s getting on a great schedule. We have activities both in and out of the house, and she’s a giggling, happy child.

What does Miles want from me? Everyone else seems happy with Lola’s progress but her dad.

I’m making significant money here so that I can save for an apartment when this gig ends and I don’t want to lose that. So much money that I don’t have a problem playing house here, especially when Lola helps me as much as a three-year-old can with everything. It’s helping her grow and I am already in love with that little girl.

It’s just confusing how I feel about her father. He’s the hottest man I’ve ever seen, and his protective nature makes him even better, though it makes me angry. His skills on the ice are second to none, even my brother, but he’s an asshole. I’m not surprised he broke up with Lola’s mom, since he can’t be compassionate.

If Miles knew how to be caring to anyone but Lola and maybe his family, he might make a decent partner for any woman.

I change into pajamas, locking the door before I slip into bed. I’m nowhere near tired, but Lola wakes up in the morning regardless of how I feel. Going out there where Miles is isn’t an option.

Since I got myself worked up so much during the argument, I know I won’t get any sleep until I make myself have an orgasm.

“This isn’t the second time I’ve done this for him. It isn’t.” I grit my teeth and slide my hand between my legs, whimpering at the wet heat. I’m so aroused and hate that Miles does this to me.

I take a deep breath and work my clit, feeling the pressure building up. It’s been a while for me, and I rock into it, sliding two fingers inside of my pussy. The dream plays through my mind again and I wonder how realistic it is as I drive my fingers in while thumbing my clit.

“Oh, God.” I arch my back, releasing warmth over my fingers. “Maybe I need to do it this way more often. It feels great.”

I finally get to sleep, and when I go into the kitchen the next morning, I find Miles and Lola already there.

“I’ll make her breakfast today. There are only a few days until things get crazy.” Miles doesn’t even look at me and I stare at him before offering Lola a small smile.

I take a shower and throw on some clothes, deciding to go out to breakfast. Screw this. It’s tempting to call Andrew and tell him his best friend is a jerk, but then I’d have to speak out loud about the near kiss.

No, thank you.

I go to my favorite café to order coffee and eggs, looking around the restaurant as I wait. This is peaceful and reminds me of college days when I’d come out to study alone. Those were the days.

Once I finish breakfast, I walk around, getting some fresh air while I shop. Miles didn’t say he had the entire morning handled, but I felt dismissed, so here we are. I call Allison to ask her what she’s up to since I have had so little time to spend with her.

“How did you get time off?” I hug Allison as she approaches me. Her green eyes are bright as she pulls away with a smile.

“I miss you.” I sigh. “Miles said he had it handled this morning, so I took some time to myself. I had breakfast and shopped, but I thought we could hang for a while.”

“Hell, yes. Let’s do this. What did you buy?” We walk into the large mall, and I shake my head.

“Something for Lola. It’s a new toy that teaches her unfamiliar words and looks amazing. I didn’t mean to think about work, but it’s hard not to when she’s involved.”

“So, she’s a good part of the job.”

“Lola is amazing. She’s at the age where she wants to learn everything, from new words to helping me in the kitchen. Her energy level is a lot, but that’s normal. We play hard and she sleeps hard and often, I sleep when she sleeps. It’s a legit thing.”

Allison laughs at me, and I can’t help but laugh with her.

“And Dad?”

I let out a long groan.

“He’s crazy. Like completely insane. He nitpicks everything I do, Allison.” I grip the bag harder and look forward, lost in thought. “She’s a cheerful kid, despite losing her mom at a really young age. I feed her the healthiest food, she learns when she plays, and I keep her active outside. Lola is happy. She’s got his family and friends supporting her, and Miles, and they appreciate me. I love that, but he’s a nightmare to deal with.”

“It sounds a little like when we were kids and boys used to tease us. Does he like you?” I glance at Allison. “He’s a gorgeous, famous hockey player. A lot of women wouldn’t complain.”

“He’s an asshole. I get that he’s protective of his daughter, as any father should be, but give me a break. She’s so happy with me. Why can’t Miles feel that way?”