“Are you?”
“Yeah.” They both slowly turned as Bishop, Rilla, and Bishop’s parents came out of the hallway. “Are you all okay?” Quinn asked, reaching to hug Rilla, who looked traumatized. They nodded. Quill walked out of the kitchen, holding Chrissy tightly against his side. Everyone else was in the dining room and were all okay. They walked toward the car guardedly, saw the driver's side door was open, and the seat was empty and started looking for Viki. Ron came out of the kitchen, still on the phone.
“She's no longer in the car, so I don't know if she's injured.” He looked around. “Is anyone hurt?” Everyone shook their heads, and he passed it along to the 9-1-1 dispatcher. “Police and an ambulance are on the way.”
“Joel?” Quinn called, remembering he was in the driveway. You okay?”
“My car!” He shouted. “That fucking bitch wrecked my car!”
“Yeah, he's fine.” Quinn rolled her eyes. “Guess we can move whatever food and stuff is left into the kitchen and move in there until the police show up.”
Everyone pitched in and helped out, and when they were finished, Quinn stood in the doorway, watching Queenie talk with Joel about his car and rubbing his arm sympathetically.
“Guess she thinks I'm even more dramatic now, huh?” Quinn glanced at Killian as he walked up beside her.
“She just hates that your dramatics top her dramatics.” He smiled at her. “We're divorcing.”
“It's about time.” Quinn nudged him, and he laughed.
“Yeah. Can't believe she'd chase after Joel knowing what he's into.”
“Joel isn't into that stuff with his wife. Only people who are willing to cheat, so he knows they deserve the treatment he's giving them. He'd worship Queenie.” Quinn briefly wondered how she’d feel if Joel and Queenie ended up together and decided if Queenie wanted to take on that mess, she was more than welcome to it.
“That wouldn't bother you?”
“Nope.” Quinn shrugged as the police and an ambulance pulled up. “I've already moved on.”
“He's definitely better looking.” Killian grinned as he looked over at Tenn.
“Right?” Quinn laughed. “And fucking worships me.”
“I'm happy for you, kiddo.” He put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Let me know when the wedding is. The dress I’ll make for you will blow the other one away.”
Quinn hugged him back, glad to know his and Queenie's divorce wouldn’t be the end of their relationship. He had always been a huge source of support when she felt out of control.
“Thank you, Killian, I'm happy for you too.”
The police took everyone's statements and let them go home. They found Viki sitting on a bench with her head in her hands a few blocks away. She was taken to the hospital to be checked for head injuries and released into police custody. Quill managed to get some of his contractors out to cover the front of the house in heavy-duty plastic sheeting and hired a security guard to patrol the property until he could get a team in to fix the damage. Tenn helped Quinn pack a bag and followed her to Quill’s after locking her bedroom up tight.
Joel tried to speak to her once more before she left. Apologizing, insisting they could make it work, and then asking for an open marriage. Quinn paused and asked if that meant she could sleep with other men.
“NO!” He snapped, looking pissed that she would even consider it.
“Oh, so you want me to give you permission to go out and degrade women while maintaining a cheerful facade at home?” She folded her arms and glared at him. “Meanwhile, my sexual needs remain unfulfilled, and I'm just unhappy?” He didn't have an answer to that, and she shook her head. “Yeah. Not happening. And Joel, you were cheating too. How are you better than Viki?” The look on his face at that moment made Quinn laugh. She was pretty sure she had broken his brain. “Everything goes through my lawyer from now on.”
When Deedee confronted Joel's lawyer with the mountain of evidence, Joel signed the divorce papers. It was a take-what-you-own divorce, and Joel didn't own much. He moved out at twenty-eight days, and she gave him their old bedroom set because she never intended to use it again and the TV in the living room because Tenn set up his 65” one so they could enjoy more movie nights. When it finally got back to Joel that Quinn and Tenn were together, he showed up at the house, demanding to know when it started, and Quinn smirked. “After you cheated on me.” Then she shut the door in his face.
The last she heard from him was that he was moving to New York to be with her prettier sister. She texted back and told him Queenie had cheated on Killian no less than twelve times with various other models, but she wished him luck. She ran into her ex-brother-in-law, Billy, a few weeks later, and he told her Joel's relationship with the family was strained, but his life had improved a great deal since he cut them off, and he thanked her again.
Viki put up more of a fight than Joel did. She tried demanding spousal support since she lost her job at the dealership, which they denied. Then she tried to sue Quinn and Tenn for emotional damage and lost. Her mother told her she needed intensive psychiatric care before she could have a relationship with her. However, she allowed her to move into her basement apartment while she received it. Tenn was just grateful she was gone. It turned out that Joel co-signed the loan for Viki's car, and they split the payment. Joel told a half-truth. It was pre-owned, but Rhyme gave it to her at a substantial discount because he couldn't sell it, and it had sat on the lot for close to two years before Viki expressed interest in it. Quinn didn't chase after that money. It worked out to be less than three thousand, and he co-signed in his name, not hers.
Tenn properly introduced Quinn to his family before his parents and sisters returned to North Dakota and Washington. They were all very welcoming and said they looked forward to getting to know her. Del and Trisha happily approved her going with Tenn to help with the boys at the waterpark.
After Joel moved out of her house, Tenn moved in across the street but spent most of his time at Quinn's, primarily using his rental as a gym and to store his furniture. After two months, just before their road trip, Quinn suggested they clean out the garage for his workout room and pick the furniture they wanted to keep, getting rid of whatever they didn't, and he moved over with her. Both agreed that while things were moving very fast, they were head over heels for each other and couldn’t see themselves ever wanting anyone else.
They sat down with Quill and compiled a list of must-haves for their first home together. Quill promised to start it as soon as possible, and it looked like they could move in before Halloween. He was building the house just down the road from his, and he was trying to convince Rilla and Bishop to let him build one for them in the same neighbourhood. Quill gently floated the idea of Chrissy and Kaia moving in with him after another Mario Kart Tournament she had joined in on, and they all got to witness her throw her arms around him and nod wordlessly.