Page 90 of Temptation

“I got ready in the bathroom, Joel, don't worry.” She gave him a quick smile as she turned back to the mirror. Joel shut the door, muttering about double standards.

“Had to piss him off, huh?” Rilla chuckled at her husband as she ran a straightener through Quinn's hair.

“Well, yeah. I know he hates that I got Quinn's V-card, not him.” Bishop smirked lazily.

“Virginity is a social construct.” Quinn rolled her eyes. “Technically, the dildo I bought on a dare in grade twelve took my virginity.”

“I know he hates that my cock was the first real one inside Quinn's pussy.” Bishop rephrased as he nodded. “And I will be forever grateful to Sergio the Dildo for making our first time as pain-free and enjoyable as it was.”

Rilla and Quinn's eyes met in the mirror. “I asked for that.” Quinn acknowledged ruefully.

“Yeah, you did.”


Joel was still in a bad mood when they got downstairs, but it improved when his parents and brother arrived. When they hugged Quinn hello, she felt a pang of guilt. She didn't want to hurt her in-laws, who were very kind to her. Then she remembered he had brought this on himself and tried to shrug it off.

Tenn arrived shortly after with Viki, her mother and his parents in tow. He introduced them all to Quinn, but she couldn't stop to talk because B.R. and Linda were right behind them. Tenn excused himself from his family and joined Quinn near the door to greet their guests. “How are you doing?”

“I'm really nervous.” She murmured, her hands were shaking slightly, and she felt a little clammy. “This might turn into a shit show.”

“Yeah, I thought about that. Don't worry, Ron, Quill, Bishop and Del are on standby if anything happens.”

“You already told your brother?” She glanced at him in surprise. She didn’t know he had told anyone in his family what was going on. She didn’t know how his family felt about Viki other than Tenn mentioning in passing about her being his mother’s favourite in-law and she didn’t want them to think badly about her.

“Yeah, I wanted to tell him about you.” Tenn wasn't looking at her as he spoke. “Don’t worry, Viki has not made herself any fans besides my mother, and she really sucks up to my mom.” They were maintaining a safe distance from each other and behaving like friends. “My mother-in-law is watching us like a hawk right now.” He mumbled. Quinn laughed like he was telling a joke.

“I noticed.” More people came, and Tenn introduced her to his brother, who gave her a thorough once-over before smiling and shaking her hand. His sister-in-law immediately hugged her. Quinn thanked her for the cheesecake with a grin, and she laughed.

“Hey, I'm getting a child-free afternoon out of it. It was my pleasure.”

Ron and Deedee showed up not too long after one another, Tenn introduced them, and they headed to the bar Bishop was now manning. Queenie and Killian were next, giving Quinn a perfunctory hug. Queenie's eyes swept over Tenn with interest, but Tenn smiled politely and distantly. Joel appeared beside her, and she smiled as he led her off, talking animatedly to her.

Killian rolled his eyes. “I see he still has his crush.” He drawled, his Texas accent on max before turning to Quinn and giving her a quick once over. “How are you doing kiddo?”

“I'm doing great, Killian.” Quinn smiled up at him. “If you want to piss him off, hit on the woman with the blonde curls.” Killian raised his eyebrow, immediately understanding what she was telling him.

“He didn't.”

“Oh, but he did.”

“Are we witnessing his downfall this evening?” Killian grinned happily and rubbed his hands together with evident glee. Joel had fallen out of his favour when he triggered her, and while Queenie had been quick to forgive him, Killian had offered to pay for a hitman.

“And hers.” Quinn giggled at his expression. “She's Tenn's wife.”

“And that's...” They both nodded, and Killian's sharp hazel eyes narrowed. “And are you two?” They nodded again, and he let out a bark of laughter. “Quinn.” He bent and kissed her cheek. “You are my favourite little drama queen.” He shook Tenn's hand and wandered off.

“He's also battled anorexia,” Quinn explained. “Queenie told Killian what happened to me when she complained about Gramma leaving her a dollar, and he lost his shit. She’s lucky he still married her.” Tenn's other siblings arrived, and after Tenn introduced them, she glanced around. “I think that's everyone.” She ran her hands over her dress, nervously smoothing it out.

“You’re sure you want to do this?” He asked quietly.

“Yeah, a little nervous, that's all. We didn't make a plan for the aftermath.”

“Quill and I did, don't worry. Let's mingle with our guests for a bit and then get the party started.” They made their way through the room, Quinn eventually getting back to Rilla and dragging her off to her bedroom.”

“I'm panicking.” She admitted as she closed the door and dropped down on her bed. “I want to do this. He deserves it, but maybe we shouldn't have invited his family or her mom.”

“Quinn, honey.” Rilla sat beside her and took her hand. “He cheated on you for four months. How many other contracts did you find?”