Page 81 of Temptation

“The one I will move into permanently is across the street from you. The one I will move into until the thirty days are up is Quill's in-law suite unless Joel decides to vacate the premises early. We felt it was wise not to poke the bear too much.”

“So, I guess that means I'm staying in the guest room.” She teased.

“We all know you’ll spend most of your time with me in the in-law suite.”


When they got to her house, Quill was waiting for them, and they piled into Quinn's Cayenne, where he demanded the whole story. When Tenn filled him in, he smiled broadly, looking absolutely delighted with his brother-in-law's misfortune.

“So, the fucker is cooling his heels in a cell until four o'clock? He hasn't reached out to you at all?”

“Besides the usual good morning, how was your day? Good night texts, nope.” Quinn leaned forward between the seats from her spot in the back.

“You didn't say he was texting you.” Tenn frowned, then mentally shook himself. He needed to calm down his jealousy; it was getting ridiculous. They were divorcing their spouses, and she was with him.

“I'm pretty sure they're scheduled texts or an AI chatbot or something. He doesn't even look at or respond to my answers.” She pulled out her phone and opened it. “Here’s my favourite from the New York conference trip. I was trying to see if he was paying attention. “Good morning; I hope you have a fantastic day, Babe.” My response was: Good morning! I hope you get lost and are taken in by the lizard people who live in the abandoned subway tunnels. He responded with: Sounds like fun. Love you, TTYL!”

Tenn looked around, furrowing his brow. “Seriously?”

“Oh, it gets better.” Quinn chuckled. “Around four, because that was when they were supposed to be done for the day, I got: “How was your day? Mine was long and boring.” I responded: I went to Salem and joined a witch coven, then I sacrificed a goat and pledged my heart and soul to Satan, rode him like a horse, and now I'm pregnant with the antichrist.” Tenn and Quill both snorted with laughter. “His response? “Sounds like it was an exciting day for you. Congratulations!” That night I got: “Sorry I couldn't talk earlier. I went to dinner with the group. I'm heading to bed, but I want you to know I love and miss you. Night!” I answered: I gave birth to a horned child with goat's legs. I've named him Bucky. Night.”

“The best part about all of it was he couldn't confront me about it because he would have to admit he wasn't actually texting me, and I never brought it up. I know he read them because he was super-loving that week. He took me out to dinner and a walk on the harbour, so he knew I knew but couldn't say anything.”

Tenn looked at Quill. They were both in tears, laughing. “Your sister is incredible.”


When they got to the dealership, Rhyme was waiting for them in his car. They said hello and introduced Tenn as a friend of Quill's, who was helping him with renovations. “Thank you so much for allowing me to look for it. I didn't realize they were missing until I started looking for them this morning, but it's a contract I signed to have Quill do some work on my house,” Quinn explained as Rhyme led her to Joel's office.

“No problem, M'dear. No problem at all. How did he end up bringing to work?”

“He looked it over before leaving and accidentally put it in his briefcase. He thinks it got mixed up with his files. I would have waited, but he won't be home until late tonight.”

“And I need to file for the permits first thing in the morning.” Quill supplied. Rhyme unlocked the door and let her in. “How are things at the house? I was telling Tenn about it on the way over.” Rhyme immediately stopped watching Quinn and launched into a monologue about the house Quill remodelled for him and how incredible it was.

While her brother and Tenn distracted Rhyme, Quinn looked around her husband's office. There were piles of paperwork everywhere, and she didn't want to dig through the mess or potentially poke through people's private information. She tried to think about where he would put it, sitting at his desk and looking around. There was a filing drawer on the desk, and she pulled it open. At the very back was an unmarked hanging folder. She pulled it out, and there it was, along with a few others with names but no signatures. She glanced up to check Rhyme wasn't looking, snapped a few photos of the contract with Viki and a few of the other ones, then grabbed one of the unsigned ones.

“Got it!” She came out smiling, interrupting Rhyme, who turned and smiled at her.

“Oh, good. Those permits can be such a hassle.”

Quinn nodded. “Yes, they absolutely can be.” She passed it on to Quill. “I'm so sorry we interrupted your Sunday morning.

“Not to worry, I have a tee time at eleven at the golf course nearby, so I just left the house a little early.” He walked them out, reset the alarm code and said his goodbyes. In the car, she explained what she had done.

“Do you want to hear what she agreed to?”

“Yes!” They both nodded eagerly. Quinn pulled up the pictures on her phone and began to read.

24/7 Dominant/Submissive Mistress Contract

I, Victoria Yates, with a free mind and open heart, request that Joel Hudson accept the submission of my will unto him. I ask that as my Dominant, Joel Hudson takes me as his mistress, with the understanding that I will never take the place of his wife, Quinn Turner.

I understand I am below her in status and she takes precedence over me. If the affair is discovered, he will end things and fix his marriage. I am never to speak to her, approach her or contact her by any medium.

As a submissive, I desire to satisfy his needs and desires whenever possible, hoping that I will be found pleasing to him. In order to do so, I offer him the use of my body, abilities, and purpose. Further, I ask that, as my Dominant, he will use my body to fulfil and enhance his sexual needs. In order to achieve this, he has unrestricted use of my body at any time, any place, and in front of anyone as he determines appropriate.

Section One: Code of Conduct