“Shit!” He sat up and grabbed his tablet from the side table, pulling up the app. “Fuck! I'm sorry, I forgot about them.
“We should keep the videos.” She whispered. “Just move them to where they can't be found.”
“Seriously?” He looked over at her. She smiled mischievously at him.
“It will be an entire week before we can do this again..” Tenn leaned down and kissed her.
“I swear, all you have to do is say the word, and I'll delete them. Hell, I'll put them in a folder and make you an editor so you can delete them whenever you want.”
“I trust you, Tenn.” Her eyes closed, and she snuggled into him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.
“I'll never do anything to shake that trust in me.” He promised.
Chapter Forty-Two: Disturbing the Peace
Tenn woke up in the early hours of Sunday morning, Quinn sleeping soundly beside him, her head on his chest and an arm around his waist. At some point, one of them pushed the blankets down to their waists. Quill was not wrong; sleeping with Quinn was like sleeping with a mini furnace. He smiled and kissed her forehead, not that he cared; he’d just invest in a cooling mattress topper and lighter blankets instead of the heavy comforter on the bed currently, whatever allowed him to hold her all night… without melting.
He idly traced shapes on her arm as he watched her sleep, wondering if they should have waited with so many things going on. They hadn't gotten their STI test results, but he reasoned that he hadn't had sex with Viki or anyone else in close to a year and didn't have any symptoms, and he knew she hadn't had sex with Joel in at least four months and also didn't have any symptoms, so they were most likely safe. There was a momentary thought that she could get pregnant. However, the risk was extremely low, less than two percent, and while the doctors told him that there was nothing medically wrong with him, he’d only managed to impregnate Viki four times in eleven years, so he wasn't overly concerned about that either.
In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he realized he would be happy if she told him she was. He had been indifferent about having children with Viki. She wanted them, and his mother wanted grandchildren. He knew he would love them when they came along because he truly enjoyed kids and had been sad and depressed after each miscarriage for a couple of months, but if things were different and Viki didn’t want them so badly, he wouldn’t have cared.
The thought of having a family with Quinn filled him with warmth, and he was open to surrogacy or adoption if that’s what it took. He wondered if she would consider in vitro fertilization. He knew it was expensive, but he also knew if he went to his parents and asked for the money, they would give it to him. They offered after Viki started her spiritual journey to find herself, but he turned it down because he suspected she was cheating with David Grant already.
He considered that pregnancy could trigger Quinn’s anorexia, then shrugged it off. If it did, he would support her every step of the way. He didn’t know if she had given up on her dream to become a mother completely or not, but if she still wanted kids and was open to alternative means of having them, he would do whatever she wanted.
Then, there was the fact that they were still married to other people on paper. He had no regrets, and he really hoped she didn’t either. As far as he was concerned, their marriages were already over, and they just had to sign some paperwork. He was a little concerned Viki would try to hurt Quinn when she found out Tenn was with her. The fact that her affair partner wouldn't leave Quinn for her and then finding out Tenn was leaving to be with her might put her over the top. He wasn't the least bit worried about Joel coming after him; he was a coward, but if he laid a finger on Quinn, he wouldn't hesitate to Jimmy Hoffa the guy.
Her arm tightened around his waist, and she sighed softly in her sleep. He pushed a few stray tendrils of hair that had escaped from the mess he'd made of her braid back off her cheek. While he understood Quill's reasons for not introducing them, he disagreed with them. He was so drawn to her he would have done the ten counselling sessions and divorced Viki as quickly as possible. The idea of soulmates came back to him and while he still wasn’t sold on the idea that they existed, if they did, then Quinn was his soulmate. He had never experienced such an intense connection before. She dominated his thoughts, and he was already planning his immediate future around her. His plans for the distant future had been trashed so that he could include her in the decision-making process with him.
“Morning.” Quinn's sleep-filled voice pulled him out of his thoughts, and he looked down to see her smiling at him. “You look very serious.”
“Mmm.” He nodded and bent his head to kiss her. “I was thinking. How are you feeling?”
“Little sore, nothing serious.” She rolled over onto her back and stretched. “What were you thinking about?”
“How I should feel terrible about last night, but I feel amazing and have no regrets. Then I explored my reasons, which are basically that I've decided we're meant to be. Meeting you at any point in my life would have resulted in us being together.” Tenn rolled over onto his side and looked at her anxiously. “Do you have any regrets?”
“No.” She shook her head. “If anything, I'm more sure we're doing the right thing. We have to discuss a few things, but let me go to the bathroom first.” She smiled and kissed him. “Don't look so worried. It's good stuff.” While she used the bathroom, Tenn checked his phone. There was nothing from Viki, but there was a message from Ron asking him to call him when he woke up, so he called him back, wondering what was up.
“Morning Tenn, how's it going?” Ron’s voice came over the line, and he sounded like he was having the time of his life.
“Amazing. How are things down there?”
“Fucking incredible.” Ron laughed. “Your spouses were arrested this morning.”
“What are you talking about?” Tenn looked up as Quinn came back into the room. “Hang on; I'm gonna put you on speaker so Quinn can hear.” He motioned for Quinn to come back to bed as he hit the speaker icon. Even now, after hearing his wife had been arrested, the sight of her walking naked around the bed sent a wave of desire over him, and he almost said he had to go so he could make her scream his name again. It was with a huge amount of effort he stayed focused on the conversation. “Viki and Joel were arrested this morning.” He explained.
“What?” Quinn looked at Tenn, and he could see she didn’t know if she should laugh or worry. “What happened?”
“I told you they'd been arguing and having angry sex. But yesterday afternoon was different. She wanted to talk things out. I couldn't hear what she said to him, but he was very pissed off and got loud. Told her that this was the last time they were discussing it. He would not divorce Quinn and marry her. Period. End of discussion. If she couldn't handle her position in his life, they needed to end this. If she wanted to continue, she could never bring it up again. He was done talking about it. She signed the contractual agreement at the beginning of all this; she knew what she was getting into, and she had to stop because he was starting to hate seeing her.”
“I'd like to say she lost her shit, but she was determined to get him back because it just got quiet. He opened the balcony door at night, so I went out on mine to listen in. She got him very drunk. According to my Front Desk Friend, she ordered a very large, fancy meal with three bottles of champagne. Then they had sex, very loud grunting sex, and when it was over, she left the room. I followed her down, and she asked for an envelope with bubble wrap inside. She put her phone in it and gave the desk clerk forty bucks to mail it for her.”
“All was well. It was quiet until four this morning. I guess Joel had to piss because I was woken up by him losing his shit. From what I could hear through the wall, she covered him in hickeys, put scratches down his back and bit him a few times, hard enough to leave visible marks and bruises. She was laughing at him, which pissed him off even more. He alleged that she raped him because he was drunk and couldn't consent. She told him her video said otherwise, that he took the lead and approached her. He tore the place apart, looking for the phone to delete it. She just laughed and said it was on its way to Boston.”
“He told her to get the fuck out. It was over. Quinn already thinks she's an obsessed stalker and would believe him when he says she raped him. Viki said, “No, she won't. Who do you think I sent my phone to? I've been filming us all weekend.” He started throwing shit, screaming at her. I was genuinely scared for her safety and called the cops. When they got there, they were still screaming at each other. The cops couldn't calm them down or determine what was wrong, so they arrested them.”