Page 72 of Temptation

Bishop grunted and caught the scone, snatching it from the air before it hit Rilla in the head. “I like Tenn; he's a good guy and fits in much better with us than Joel ever did, plus he's pretty obsessed with you, which I get and approve of. If you won't be with me and Rilla, Tenn is an acceptable substitute.”

“I'm glad he meets your impossibly high standards.” Quinn met Rilla's eyes, and they both shook their heads while giggling.

“So, what's Chrissy like? Is she going to fit in?” Rilla changed the subject, and Bishop looked up curiously from the scone he was picking apart and eating.

Quinn flipped another pancake as she thought about Rilla’s question. “She seems very nice. I didn't have enough time to have a personal conversation with her though; it was mostly me convincing her that she wasn't just the girl he fucks on weekends.”

“It's been almost two years, and she still thinks that?” Rilla raised her eyebrows. “Who puts that much time into something and thinks she's just a convenient fuck?”

“Someone who doesn't think that much of herself,” Quinn explained, remembering Chrissy's nervous demeanour. “She said he wasn't just the guy she fucks on weekends, but she couldn't offer him anymore because of her daughter. I know Quill only met the kid a few times, but the fact that it didn't send him running says a lot.”

“So does the fact that he was willing to give her a second chance and wasn't too mad at you for poking your nose in.” Bishop pointed out. “We'll be meeting her in the next few months, guaranteed.”

“I didn't poke my nose in on purpose!” Quinn protested. “She showed up at my house!”

“Yeah, and you let your curiosity get the better of you and invited her in for tea, knowing Quill wouldn't like it,” Rilla smirked and got Bishop a cup of coffee, bringing it over and sitting next to him with her tea.

“I wanted to know if Quill was being his usual logical self and not seeing something that was practically slapping him in the face, and that's what was happening, so I fixed it.” She slid the last of the pancakes off the pan and shut down the stove. “I left my phone upstairs; can one of you text and let them know breakfast is ready, please?”

“I'll text Tenn. If they're in Quill's car, Quill is driving.” Bishop pulled his phone from his pocket just as they heard the front door open. “Perfect timing.”

“See?” Quill said as they walked into the kitchen. “Just in time for breakfast.”

“Where did you guys go?” Quinn smiled as Tenn came over to hug and kiss her before grabbing plates from the cupboard.

“I was showing Tenn some of the houses I have available for rent. I'm buying this one.” Quill explained as he grabbed a plate and held it out for Quinn to put pancakes on.

“Why are you selling your house?” Rilla looked around. “It's gorgeous.” Quinn had to agree; Tenn’s house was beautiful, and it was obvious he, and possibly Viki, had put a lot of effort into making it a home. She put a couple of pancakes on Quill's plate and brought the plate with the stack and the vanilla maple syrup over to the table so everyone could help themselves.

“I want Viki out as soon as possible,” Tenn explained as he sat down next to Quinn. “Quill and I were talking; I'm going to rent one of his houses; he's going to buy this place and take possession thirty days from next Friday. I'll be moving to the new place immediately after we serve them. I have to give her thirty days' notice to move out, and I'm hoping to force her to leave early when all the furniture is gone.”

“I have to give Joel thirty days' notice as well, so Quinn will be staying with me until he moves out.” Quill smiled at Quinn. “And I'll be installing security cameras inside the house next Saturday, so he can't damage anything between then and his last day there.”

“You can stay with us as well.” Rilla leaned over and hugged her. “Do you have to give thirty days' notice though? Can't you just kick them out?”

“In Joel's case, no.” Quill shook his head. “He signed the rental agreement, which means he's a tenant and falls under tenancy laws.”

“Viki will refuse to leave; this is her residence, and I can't legally kick her out without notice. I'm giving her thirty days, and then when Quill takes over, he'll change the locks. If she does any damage to the house in the meantime, we'll sue.” Tenn elaborated as he started to eat.

“Plus, Tenn has security cameras she's aware of, and he's also going to install hidden cameras that won't record audio, so she doesn't need to know about them.” Quill grinned. “We've got it all figured out.

It was quiet for a minute as everyone tried the pancakes and after a few minutes, Tenn looked at Quinn and swallowed slowly. “I may have just found a new favourite food.”

Bishop nodded enthusiastically. “Man, when I tell you my favourite foods change every time Quinn cooks for me.” He sighed happily as he cut his pancake. “I’m not exaggerating in the slightest.”

Rilla playfully shoved his shoulder. “Excuse me?” Quinn could hear the teasing tone in her voice and chuckled. Rilla was not a great cook.

“Gorgeous, you know I love you, and you make bomb macaroni and cheese, but I’ve also seen you burn water.” Bishop leaned over and kissed her cheek as the others laughed. Tenn raised his glass to her.

“I’m right there with you, Rilla.”


“Alright, so for the party on Friday, who are we inviting?” Tenn asked as they all finished eating. Quinn pulled out her phone and pulled up the Notes app to start making a list.

“Obviously Rilla, Bishop, and Quill.”

“My friend Ron, He's the PI. My parents, James and Gigi, will come. They don't understand my job exactly, but they're very supportive.” Tenn added. “Del and his wife, Trisha, Kota and her partner Greg, and Ginny and her husband, Kirk. I think Kota and Greg will come; especially if Mom and Dad do, I have no idea if Ginny and Kirk will make the trip from Washington, but she'll be pissed if she doesn't get an invite.”