“I don't know, something about bringing my family in on her private business.” He sighed in evident frustration. “I don’t understand her thought process at all. I told her I was on my way to your house and would get the tire patched. You’d think she’d be happy to have four new tires for free and have time to save up for winter ones.”
“Did she give you back the tires?” Quinn looked at him quizzically.
“I offered to bring them back to you, and she got even angrier because it would make her come across as ungrateful, and she hasn't even met you yet.” Quill frowned as he changed lanes and merged onto the I93.
“So, where are you with this?” Quinn adjusted in her seat to get a better look at him, needing to know where his head was before she could offer her opinion.
“I'm frustrated, honestly. I get wanting to be self-sufficient and not needing to rely on someone, but those tires were a hazard. She was going to end up killing herself and her kid. The few times I have done something for her, she's gotten mad at me for doing it. I like some dynamics of our relationship, but I was the last person she called for help yesterday. She called her ex before she called me, and I was the one who dropped everything to help her. To have it thrown back in my face like that? I think I'm done.”
“Well, if that's the case, wait for her to reach out to you, and when she does, meet her and tell her it's over.” Quinn reached out and squeezed his arm. “You deserve someone who will appreciate you and all your awesomeness, Porcupine.”
“Pest.” Quill chuckled. “Thanks Q.”
“Anytime.” Quinn smiled and released his arm. Wanting to take his mind off Chrissy, she quickly came up with an idea for the weekend. “So, Joel is going out of town this weekend; want to have a sleepover? We can set up the switch in the living room and have a Mario Kart Party, with lots of drinks and food. Bishop, Rilla, and Tenn can come too.”
“So, I'll be the fifth wheel? That'll be fun.” He playfully rolled his eyes at her.
“It will be one couple and three semi-single people. You're about to break up, and Tenn and I are about to divorce our cheating spouses.” She reassured him. “I think it will be fun.”
“How are things going with Tenn anyway?” Quill's smirk was very smug.
“It's going fine.”
“Uh-huh. Fine.” He teased, clearly delighted with how it was working out.
“Why didn't you introduce us?” Quinn tilted her head at him. This went well beyond the whole not wanting to share people thing. “How long have you known him?”
“I honestly wish I had. You would never have gone back to Joel, and he would have left Viki and been much happier. We’ve known each other for five years and became good friends three, three and half years ago. When I realized you two would be perfect together, you weren't in a good place, he wasn't in a good place, and I decided to wait until you both were.” His smug smirk grew into a smug grin. “It was a strange and weird coincidence that Viki ended up working at the dealership.”
Quinn stared at him, realizing what he had done. “Was it? Didn't you design Rhyme's house?” She had told Gorden Rhyme about Quill and Q Architecture at a Christmas party several years ago when he told her he was looking to redesign his house and wanted to go green, which was her brother's specialty. Rhyme had been thrilled after the consult and redesign and recommended Quill to all his friends, which was one of the biggest reasons Q Architecture gained so much traction so quickly.
Quill laughed. “Yeah, you're right, I did. That's one of my favourites. He gave me full creative control and told me what he wanted to be included. That house is one hundred percent green, zero carbon footprint.” He pulled up to the restaurant, parked, and got out, still going on about the house.
“QUILL! Stop trying to avoid the question!” Quinn got out of the car and chased him across the parking lot, grabbing his arm as he reached the door. “Did you do something?”
“I helped a friend's wife get a job by passing along her resume that she sent to me. That's all.” He gently pulled free of her grasp and opened the door, gesturing for her to go through ahead of him.
“She applied at Q?” Quinn was momentarily distracted from the fact that her twin had most likely set her husband and his friend's wife up.
“Yeah, for a position as my executive assistant. I interviewed her more out of loyalty to Tenn than anything else.” He spoke to the hostess, and they followed her to a table. When they were seated and had given their drink orders, he continued. “Tenn told me she was draining his bank account, and he suspected she was having an affair but had no proof. After her interview, during which she blatantly flirted with me, I told her I'd be in touch and went to a meeting with Gordon about possibly redoing the dealership. He said he needed a receptionist, and I passed her resume along. Told him she wasn't what I was looking for, but she might work for him.” He shrugged. “I didn’t know for sure that she and Joel would hit it off so well, but I had a feeling.”
“Uh-huh.” She eyed her twin suspiciously. She knew he loved her, and she also knew he carried a lot of guilt for not being there when they were kids. Q Architecture was a nod to her, the nickname he gave her, not just the first letter of his name, as everyone assumed, because she pushed him to change majors in his first year from Sports Physiotherapy to Architecture and helped him with the start-up costs. He tended to play the long game with things, and she could see him setting up pieces to push into place when he thought the time was right. “You getting tired of looking after me, Porcupine?” She asked after their drinks came and they placed their orders for their mains.
Quill reached out and took her hand. “Quinn, I will always look after you and have your back, just like you will always look after me and have mine. I think you're finally getting to a place where you don’t need me to be as militant in looking after you. You've got this under control and just need someone to be there for you occasionally. I will happily be that person for the rest of my life, but you deserve someone who loves you in a less fraternal way.”
“Did you bring me here to make me cry in public? Because not cool.” Quill rolled his eyes and let her hand go so she could dab her tears with a napkin.
“Always with the tears, Quinn.”
Chapter Eighteen: Movie Night
After her dinner with Quill, the rest of which was more focused on the logistics of removing Joel from the home, what he should say to Chrissy when/if she reached out, and whether or not she should go on the vacation with Tenn (Quill said she should, which almost made her drop her glass of wine in shock). He dropped her off back home just after seven-thirty. She was surprised to see Joel was home waiting for her. He came out of the bedroom, moving a little stiffly but smiling.
“Hey, you weren't gone long at all.”
“He just wanted to thank me for giving his girlfriend my old tires.” She hung up her jean jacket and kicked off her sneakers.
“Ah. I thought something was missing from the garage.” Joel nodded. “Why don't you put on some pyjamas, and I'll make popcorn? I figured we could watch the new romantic movie with your favourite actor in it.