Page 116 of The Kotov Duet

Before Avgust or I could try to connect the dots, Avgust’s phone was ringing, and as soon as I saw him put it on speaker, I knew that it had to be Sartori or Morocco. I also knew that if they were calling, instead of sending a text, then this was a lot more complicated than they made it look in the movies.

“Kotov here,” Avgust answered.

“I found her,” Morocco announced, and I could feel myself shaking with the news.

“Where is she?” I asked.

“Coincidentally, when you guys burned down the evidence of Mrs. Kotov’s kidnapping, you missed a deeper hunting cabin just to the left of the main house. It’s covered by weeds as tall as the house, and you missed it because the weeds blend in with the trees, obscuring the path to the cabin.”

“I am not sure that I know what you are speaking about,” Avgust replied coolly.

Morocco snorted. “Oh, please. In the event that you guys weren’t able to get a handle on Nikel Ovchinnikov, I’ve been monitoring any weird shit that’s happened since Louie Manziel got stupid, and a random fire in the middle of no-fucking-where was rather weird, Kotov.”

He had a point.

“Is the front road the only access to the cabin?” I asked, not caring if the Sartoris knew our secrets or not.

“Yes,” he answered. “There’s no other way in unless you guys want to hike your way in.”

“I suggest that you take your best sniper with you,” Nero remarked, finally speaking. “It might be the only chance that you have to get her out of there alive.”

“There’s a creek to the right of the cabin, a quarter of a mile behind,” Morocco added. “The sound of water might help you guys sneak in undetected, but that depends on how much water is in the creek and if it’s flowing steadily.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Good luck, gentlemen,” Nero said before adding, “Mrs. Sartori sends her regards.”

I let out a hollow laugh, knowing exactly what that meant. At this point, it looked like every syndicate leader owed Mrs. Sartori their lives, and she was proving to be much more cunning and diabolical than her husband. On the outside looking in, a person might assume that she was just being sentimental and a romantic at heart, but that’s not what this was. She’d been collecting us like unsuspecting pawns, and we were all going to owe her if the time ever came when she wanted or needed to collect. If Kasen Sartori ended up running the entire state of Maryland one day, I wouldn’t be surprised.

“Let’s go,” I said as soon as Avgust slipped his phone back in his pocket.

“You go,” he ordered. “I’ll call Damir, Ivan, and Orlyn to have them meet us there. I’ll give them the details as you make your way over.”

Without another word, I rushed out of my house, got into my car, then raced down the street. Now that I knew where they were, it was nothing to trade my life for Katja’s. While I didn’t think that it would come to that, I’d do it if necessary. Right now, the priority was getting to her before Nikel could violate her any further. Though this was going to take some time to heal from, every second wasted had the potential to make matters worse, and saving her was all that I could think about.

I also knew that it was a good twenty-minute drive out there, and twenty minutes felt like twenty hours right now. Katja was helplessly tied to a chair, and the first thing that I was going to do when I got her back was teach her some effective self-defense, and none of that local gym crap. I was going to teach her how to kill with her bare hands, something that every woman should know.

As I sped down the street, there was also the issue of what I’d done to her at Millie’s. Having always planned on telling her the truth, I knew that the truth wasn’t going to matter after it was all said and done. Katja had every right to feel violated because that’s exactly what I’d done to her; I had violated her.

Nevertheless, that wasn’t going to stop me from making her mine and trying to make it up to her. I was not going to allow one error in judgement to define the rest of our lives, no matter how huge that error. I loved Katja, that fact as clear as any blue sky.

Now I just had to prove it to her.

Chapter 34


“Okay, time for another show, milaya devushka,” Klive announced, a wicked gleam appearing in his eyes. “This time, you are going to be a good girl and suck my dick like it is your favorite meal of the day.”

“You can’t make me do that,” I said, goading him into doing just that.

“Oh, but I can,” he taunted. “A gun to your head will do just nicely, I think.”

My heart started racing inside my chest again. I hadn’t counted on him holding a gun to my head throughout the ordeal. While I had no other plan in place, he could easily accidently pull the trigger through is pain, but what choice did I have? Sure, I could just let it happen to buy me some more time to come up with a better plan, but the very idea of letting him violate me again was enough to make me throw up. As disgusted as I’d felt with him just touching me, I knew that there was no way that I’d be able to get through having him in my mouth.

I did my best to steady my breathing as Klive stopped to stand in front of me, the fingers on one hand already working to free himself while his other hand pulled the gun from the back of his waistband. He really was going to hold a gun to my head, and what happened next was going to be in God’s hands, and I’d never felt the power of hope as I did in this moment.

“Now, you are going to show me exactly why Maksim is so enamored of you, and if you think that I will not put a bullet in your head, then you are very mistaken, milaya devushka.”