Page 65 of The Kotov Duet

Luckily, we had a baby monitor in our room, so if Mitre woke up, it’d be fine. While I had no doubt that Samara would push me off her to get to our son, I’d still take what I could get right now. All this time later, and every minute of every day still wouldn’t be enough to satisfy my need for my wife. I was always going to want her, even when I was dead.

After all, God would never be so cruel as to give me just one lifetime with Samara Kotov.

The End.

Demons of the Future

Copyright 2024 Monica Clayton

Published by M.E. Clayton

All Rights Reserved

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This book is a work of fiction. The entire content is a product of the author’s imagination, and all names, places, businesses, and incidences are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), places or occurrences, is entirely coincidental.

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Warning: This book contains sexual situations and other adult themes. Recommended for 18 years of age and over.

Table of Contents




1. Maksim

2. Katja

3. Maksim

4. Katja

5. Maksim

6. Katja

7. Maksim

8. Katja

9. Maksim

10. Katja

11. Maksim

12. Katja

13. Maksim