Page 53 of The Kotov Duet

Nolan grinned. “Lass, I’ve learned never to underestimate a woman, and because of that survival skill, I’m still alive with all my body parts intact.”

Deciding to bite the bullet, I asked, “Are either of you in contact with…can either of you get a hold of Declan O’Brien or Noah Murphy?” Both men looked shocked at my request. “Either that, or can you guys just drop me off where I can get back home? However, I live in Kotov territory.”

Nolan let out a deep breath before he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. I didn’t say anything as he called whoever he was calling, but the mystery was solved as soon as he said, “Noah, we have a lass that’s asking to speak with you or The O’Brien, or wanting a ride back home in Kotovland.”

Five seconds later, Nolan was handing me his phone, and I took it because I was an idiot that didn’t know how to stop digging her own grave. “Hello?”

“This is Noah Murphy,” he answered. “What would you like to speak to me about, lass?”

“My name is Samara Andreev, and…and I need to get home,” I told him plainly. “However, I’m hurt and need some medical assistance.”

“What does that have to do with me, lass?”

Suddenly, tears started falling down my cheeks, and I didn’t even know where they were coming from. Maybe it was from having to ask for help, or maybe it was just from living, but they were there, and I wasn’t too proud not to let Noah Murphy hear them.

“I just killed a man, Mr. Murphy,” I told him. “He kidnapped me and hurt me to send a message to Avgust Kotov, but I killed him instead. I’m hurt, tired, fed the fuck up, and lost in the middle of nowhere, somewhere between Kotov and O’Brien territory, and I just want to go the hell home.”

There was a heartbeat of silence before Noah asked, “Do you happen to know the name of the man that you killed?”

“Louie Manziel,” I answered, my outburst draining the only energy that I’d had left.

“Lass, give Nolan his phone back, and then just hold tight a moment,” he instructed, and so not knowing what else to do, I handed Nolan back his phone.

While Nolan was busy listening to whatever Noah was telling him on the phone, Eamon walked over until he was standing in front of me, and the tears came harder when he pulled his shirt off, then put it on me as delicately as he could. He made sure not to touch me anywhere that was inappropriate or where there was blood. His little act of kindness had almost been my undoing. The shirt was also large enough to fall to my knees, covering everything.

When Eamon finally stepped back, Nolan was making his way over to join us. His green eyes looked very concerned as he said, “We’ve been instructed to take you with us, where Lochlan Murphy will see to your wounds.”

“And then what?”

“I am not sure,” he answered honestly. “Noah’s not much of a talker and rarely explains himself. Just know that Lochlan is one of the best doctors in the state, so you’ll be in good hands.”

With little choice, I allowed Eamon to escort me to the car, and once I was secured in the back, I closed my eyes, letting exhaustion finally take over. I had no idea where these two men were taking me, and I couldn’t find the energy to care. This entire thing was a fucking mess, and I didn’t even know if it meant anything that the Irish were going to take care of me. While I wasn’t in the Russian Bratva, I was very aware of where I lived and what that meant.

Once we finally got to wherever we were, I was met by a tall glass of water that had eyes the color of magical blue crystals. They were almost a hypnotizing color of blue, and talk about a man that was gorgeous enough to turn you stupid.

“Lass, I’m Noah Murphy,” he said, introducing himself. “This is my brother, Lachlan, and he’ll be patching you up.”

When I looked over at his brother, the man had the same matching blue eyes, though his face appeared softer and more inviting. “Nice to meet you, lass,” he said, and that’s when I started laughing again, officially losing my goddamn mind.

Chapter 35


Just as Maksim and I were getting ready to leave the abandoned house, my phone rang, and as I looked at the name that was flashing across the screen, I knew that it had to be important for Declan O’Brien to be calling me directly.

“This is Kotov,” I answered

“As Maksim once did for us, I’m returning a favor,” he replied. “We have something that may or may not belong to you, though she definitely has information that can be useful to you.”

I felt my entire chest cave in with relief. “You have Samara?”

“A couple of my men found her on Cortner Avenue, and Noah instructed them to bring her to us since she was hurt,” he explained. “While I know that you two have a past, I’m not sure of your current situation, but she did tell us that she killed Louie Manziel.”

“How badly is she hurt?”

Declan was silent for a few seconds, making me automatically fear the worst, but then he said, “She was knocked around a bit, and Eamon had to give her his shirt to protect her modesty, but the biggest concern is the injury to her leg.”

I felt Maksim come stand next to me as I asked, “What happened to her leg?”