Page 39 of The Kotov Duet

“Are you guys done with me?” Morocco asked, and I found his question rather odd. He belonged to Sartori, so that should have been something asked of him, not us.

“Now that you know Klive Simpson’s real name and know what he looks like, have you been able to find out anything else about his existence here in the US?” I asked.

Morocco snorted.

Clearly, I’d just offended him.

“It’ll all be in the folder that Aurelio is going to deliver to you,” he answered. “I mean, seriously.”

“My apologies,” I chuckled.

“This is where we’ll leave you, gentlemen,” Nero said before hanging up, leaving us to mull over everything that we’d just learn.

After a few moments of silence, Melor said, “I need a drink.”

“Have at it,” Maksim told him. “I’m going to go for something a little stronger.”

Knowing Maksim the way that I did, I didn’t stop him when he left the room in search of pussy. Though that’d already been in his plans for tonight, I was pretty sure that things had just taken a darker turn, and I didn’t envy the poor girl or girls that he was going to take this news out on tonight.”

Chapter 26


Viktor had been kind enough to walk me up to my condo, and he’d also been kind enough not to mention my lack of shoes. Right now, I looked like a homeless vagabond, and I wished that a simple shower and change of clothing could make it all go away, but I knew better.

Once Viktor had escorted me to my door, I thanked him, then tried the doorknob as he took his leave. I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to see him again, but I found that I wouldn’t be upset if I did. Throughout this entire ordeal, he’d been the only person that’d been kind enough to leave me with a semblance of self-respect, and I appreciated it more than he could ever imagine.

When the door wouldn’t open, I knocked, hoping that Masha was home. If she wasn’t, then I’d have to find a way to get a hold of her since I’d left my purse in Avgust’s bedroom, and the last thing that I wanted to do was walk around Port Townsend barefoot and looking like a mess. I also couldn’t remember if she was at work or not, with my days all messed up in my head, my brain was not thinking straight.

Luckily, after the third time of me pounding on the door, it swung open, but it wasn’t Masha on the other end. Instead of my sister staring at me, a man that was easily six-foot-two stood in her place, and it wasn’t lost on me that he was barefoot and missing his shirt. It also wasn’t lost on me that he looked like he could crush my entire body with one hand. Plus, not only was he six-foot-something, but he also had tattoos crawling up his neck, his short haircut showing some on his skull as well.

Now, relatively speaking, he’d be handsome if he didn’t look so lethal. He had dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and an aristocratic face that reminded me of warriors from centuries long ago. His body was also a work of art underneath all the tattoos, some which I recognized. The man standing before me could only be the man that Avgust had assigned to watch my sister, and while I should have expected him to be here, I never would have expected him to answer the door with no shirt or shoes on.

His jeans were also unbuttoned.

Anger began to dance across my skin. “Where’s my sister?”

Remembering his name, Gosha stepped back to let me inside, and my heart started beating faster with each step, a prayer on my lips that this wasn’t what I thought it was.

“She’s in the bedroom,” he answered, and my jaw ticked at how he’d said that she was in the bedroom, not her bedroom.

“Masha!’ I yelled, fury licking at my feet.

Seconds later, my sister was racing out of her bedroom, and like Gosha, she was barely dressed, wearing only an over-sized t-shirt that could only be his. Her brown eyes were wide with surprise at seeing me in our living room, and while this should be a joyous occasion, it wasn’t.

“Oh, my God,” she cried out as she reached for my hands. “Samara what are you doing home? Are you okay?”

Instead of answering her, I said, “Please…please, please, please, do not tell me that you’ve been screwing one of Avgust’s men while I’ve been cuff to a goddamn cage, Masha. Please, tell me that this is not what it looks like.”

Her face immediately paled, her eyes looking everywhere but mine, and I felt her betrayal like a stake through my heart. When I’d been pleading, begging, and bargaining to let Avgust’s men use me to save my sister’s life, she’d been shacking up with the man that had been assigned to make sure that she kept her mouth shut. Hell, he wasn’t even a guard so much as Avgust Kotov’s eyes on her.

“Christ,” I whispered, unable to disguise my disappointment.

Masha’s dark eyes immediately looked my way, the rims wet, but I was beyond compassion right now. “It’s not like that, Samara,” she lied. “It just…I needed some…I was so worried about you, and I just needed some…someone to talk to.”

“Explain to me how needing someone to talk to ended up with you fucking the enemy, Masha,” I snapped, refusing to believe that this was the same as what I’d done with Avgust.

“Hey, I think that’s enough,” Gosha remarked right before he walked over to take his rightful place next to my sister.