Page 110 of The Kotov Duet

Nero let out a low chuckle. “Forget the payment, Kotov. Mrs. Sartori sends her well wishes.”

“I’d rather pay you,” Avgust remarked dryly.

“As I completely understand that viewpoint, what my wife wants matters more to me than what you would prefer,” Nero replied smoothly. “Of course, we can continue to argue about it if you wish.”

“Okay, I have to ask,” I blurted. “Why? Why does she do this for us?”

“She doesn’t do it for us, gentlemen,” Nero answered honestly. “She does it for the women. My wife is a firm believer that no man is truly deserving of the woman that loves him, so this is her way of helping them out. Never us.”

“She’s not wrong,” Avgust grumbled.

“No, she’s not,” Nero easily agreed.

“Well, tell her that we appreciate the gesture,” Avgust replied graciously. “Hopefully, this will be the last time that we’ll require your services.”

“You know, Maksim’s girl is quite talented,” Morocco stated. “If she can hone her skills a little bit better, then she can probably get you through some tight spots.”

“How do you know that she’s talented?” I asked, though I already knew the answer.

“The same way that I know everything about any name that you’ve ever handed me,” he retorted.

“Fair enough,” I chuckled.

“Goodbye, gentlemen,” Nero said before ending the call.

After Avgust slipped his phone back in his pocket, he asked, “What do you want to do now?”

“Since the grandfather is more important to Katja than her own safety, I’m going to speak with Artur to let him know the change of plans,” I told him. “My house is big enough for both Mr. Antonov and us to both have our privacy.”

Avgust arched a brow. “While I recognize that you are used to doing whatever you want, my advice is to speak with Mr. Antonov yourself, Maksim. Though manipulative, if you can get into Mr. Antonov’s good graces, then maybe it’ll help with Katja’s antagonism towards you.”

“Fine,” I relented, seeing the logic behind the suggestion. “I will speak with Mr. Antonov Monday morning, after Katja has left for work. I don’t need her making our conversation more awkward than it will no doubt already be.”

Avgust snorted. “You definitely have your hands full.”

“I’ll also call Akim to inform him of the change of plans,” I added.

Avgust’s brows furrowed. “I’m still curious why it seems as if he’s after you more than Akim.”

“Maybe he holds me more responsible since I’m the oldest,” I suggested, shrugging.

“Okay, we can find that all out once we find him. For now, do what you need to do, Maksim.”

“Thank you, Pakhan,” I replied easily, ready to do just that.

Chapter 30


Thankfully, I wasn’t walking gingerly anymore, so I wasn’t going to have to come up with a lie for why I was walking funny. All weekend long, I’d been able to convince my grandfather that my ‘date’ had taken me dancing, and being wholly out of shape, I’d woken up sore. Luckily for me, he had just laughed before encouraging me to get some more exercise.

At any rate, I also hadn’t heard from Maksim all weekend, except for a few texts that came across like threats. If I hadn’t already been sleeping with Maksim, they would have come across like something from a stalker’s handbook. His texts had been to remind me that I was his, and to also remind me that I didn’t have a choice in the matter.

It’d been an exhausting weekend.

That was probably why I hadn’t been paying attention to my surroundings when I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist as soon as I got out of my car. The hand over my mouth silenced my surprised scream, and it took only a few seconds before I realized what this was, and of fucking course.

“If you scream or draw any unnecessary attention, I will gut you, milaya devushka.”