I rubbed my forehead. “Exactly how do you expect me to somehow keep more than a hundred hopeful ladies from trying to trap him?”
“Not easily, which is why the Grimm Knights will be assisting.”
“And will they be killing the Cinderellas that get too frisky?” The Knights had a reputation, especially their oversized, dour leader, Levi.
“Their orders are to detain and-or remove problematic hopefuls.”
I waved a hand. “Why is the ball being held here? Shouldn’t this prince be celebrating his birthday at home?”
“Unfortunately, given the time-sensitive nature of some of the goods the treaties will be covering, it had to be now. And, as mentioned, his mother saw an opportunity she didn’t want to miss.”
“Fine. However, can’t someone else act as liaison? You know the curse has been reactivating toward people who’d already evaded it, and apparently, I might be next.” I pointed to the trash bin. “I’ve gotten rid of that invite several times already, but it keeps popping back up.”
Hilda glanced briefly at the bin before looking back at me with a regretful expression. “About the whole reactivation thing, there’ve been a few video meetings with the higher-ups in the bureau about that matter. The consensus by some of the scientists studying it is that those experiencing a resurgence didn’t actually beat their curse so much as cause it to go dormant until the right situation presented itself.”
“Doesn’t that make it even more risky to use me as his liaison? I don’t want to have to reject him like I did Prince Henrick.” Who ended up in front of a firing squad because, despite being a prince, murdering one’s wife and throwing her corpse from a parapet remained illegal.
“You needn’t worry about Prince Killian. Like you, he’s very determined to not succumb to the Grimm Effect trap.”
My lips pursed. “Thought by many a person who fell victim. I really would prefer it if you sent Belle or Blanche. Even better, what about Rory and Tom?” As straight men, they wouldn’t be tempted by the male prince.
“Rory and Tom are dealing with a family of bears squatting in the west end. Blanche is a touch too abrasive for someone this important. As for Belle, she met the prince when he got off the plane, and let’s just say, it didn’t go well.” Hilda’s lips pursed.
“What did she do?”
“Mistook him for a thief when he grabbed his suitcase from the luggage carousel. She tackled him to the ground.”
“She arrested the prince?” I couldn’t help an incredulous note.
“In her defense, he didn’t look very royal in his jeans and rockband T-shirt.”
I almost grinned at the thought of the prince being taken down by Belle. “I’m surprised she got close enough, given he’s being protected by the Knights.”
“The Knights didn’t expect a threat from Belle. Luckily, the incident amused the prince. However, I still thought it best to reassign her.”
I sighed. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Then, because maybe it would help, I murmured, “My fairy godmother visited me last night.”
Hilda’s eyes widened. “Uh-oh.”
“Exactly. So you can see why I might be leery about accepting this task.”
“Or you could look at this as a chance to put your story to bed for another decade or two.”
My boss wouldn’t be swayed, and as she left me to stare at my screen, I wondered what I could do to ensure this prince never looked at me twice.
Maybe if I didn’t shower and showed up sweaty? A little too gross.
I could dress in ugly, shapeless clothes and find something atrocious to wear for the ball. I would make sure I didn’t wear slippers but tightly laced boots. I’d refuse to dance with him. I’d use my words and say no.
“Excuse me, are you Agent Jones?” a deep voice asked.
I said, “Yes,” before I turned around to see the very pretty prince standing by my desk.
Prince Killian looked even more handsome in person than in his online images and, as I’d been warned by my boss, didn’t appear royal given he wore jeans with holes in the knees and a T-shirt emblazoned with Jim Morrison’s head.
“Hi, I’m Killian.” He held out his hand to shake.