“Your ill-advised idea will paint a target on Cinder, or do you think they’ll all just go ‘Okay, the prince is engaged. Let’s just leave,’” Levi offered, his tone mocking.
“It’s been working so far,” Hannah insisted.
“It has, but you forget that’s been one-on-one,” Levi pointed out. “This ball will have hundreds of potentials. Hundreds of threats. The moment Killian declares Cinder as his intended, chaos will break loose.”
“Chaos is already here,” Killian muttered.
Levi wasn’t done though. “Ever stop to think that this plan might play into the curse’s hands? After all, you’ve got a prince, and a true Cinderella, pledging themselves in front of hundreds. We can’t predict what the magic will do to manipulate it so they get married for real.”
“I would never go that far,” I interjected, which swung his gaze my way.
“You agree with this plan?”
I shrugged. “It’s not ideal, However, Hannah is right. As it currently stands, my mere presence appears to be triggering. There’s going to be trouble no matter what. And it’s not just me who’s got to be careful. Killian’s going to keep having to deal with this, not to mention all those poor women, caught in the grips of the curse, thinking they have to marry the prince. It must be horrible to not be in charge of their own thoughts and emotions.”
Levi’s brow rose. “So you admit they’re being controlled.”
“Well, yes. I’d say that’s obvious.”
“And what makes you think you’re stronger than the magic? If you pretend on such a large scale, who’s to say the magic won’t sweep in and make you truly believe Killian is your one true love?”
I opened my mouth to deny that would ever happen, only to remain quiet, because he raised a valid point. Could I prevail against the Grimm Effect if it truly concentrated on me? At the same time, could I really not do anything at all?
Torn, I didn’t reply, so I was surprised when Levi offered a gruff, “Sorry. I don’t mean to shit on the idea. I just want to be sure you’ve thought through the possible ramifications.”
If we’d been alone, I might have said something about my love for him being stronger than any curse, but at the same time, that might be wishful thinking. Plenty of happily married couples had been split by the Grimm Effect.
“Levi is right.” Killian stood. “The temptation of us playing along might be more than any of us could resist.”
“So what’s the plan?” Hannah asked. “What are we supposed to do if all those Cinderellas start throwing their shoes at you?”
Killian offered a lopsided smile. “Duck? I used to be quite good at dodgeball.”
With that, the meeting broke up as we went to our rooms to dress.
Levi remained quiet even when the door closed.
I put a hand on his arm. “Are you okay?”
“No,” he sighed. “Why do I get this awful feeling everything changes after today?”
“Because it will. Once the ball is over, Killian will leave, and we’ll move on to our next job for the bureau.”
He glanced at me. “I wish that I believed that.”
“You’re really worried about the curse.”
“Aren’t you?”
“I told you before I’ll only marry for love.”
“But what if the Grimm Effect makes you believe you love the prince?”
I didn’t make light of his concern. He was being honest with me. Sharing his fear.
I clasped his hand. “There is no curse in this world that will make me forget I love you.”
He blinked.