In real life, Grace and Lynn are very different people. For that matter, I also don’t know if he’s the same person he was in Miami. He could have been pretending to be someone else as well.
Releasing a frustrated breath, I sit up and check my clock. It’s 7:00 AM, so Skyler should be awake in Florida. I need advice from someone who can look at this whole, messed up situation with a somewhat objective eye. Skyler’s the best option I’ve got. Grabbing my phone, I dial her number and she picks up on the third ring.
“Grace?” she answers groggily. “Is everything alright?”
“Kind of, sort of,” I hedge, running a hand through my hair. “I need your advice.”
“Hang on, let me get some coffee,” Skyler says before the line goes quiet for about five minutes. I almost wish she’d just hung up and called me back, but that’s Skyler. When she finally comes back, she sounds much more awake. “Alright, shoot.”
“Okay… so, last night, Carson took me out to his favorite bar and Jensen ended up being there…”
“Oooh!” Skyler exclaims. “Jensen? I am all ears.”
I release a breath and roll my eyes. “Well, he ended up giving me a ride home and we fought, or more like I fought with him, but then… then he kissed me, and then we went up to his apartment, and…”
I trail off, my cheeks heating as I think about what exactly happened once we got to his apartment.
“Grace?” Skyler urges. “Did you let that fine ass man screw your brains out or not?”
Releasing a long breath, I say, “Yes. Yes I did.”
Skyler screeches so loudly that I have to yank the phone away from my ear, wincing as it makes my head throb. How does she always have so much energy, even so early in the morning?
“Oh, my God! Grace! I knew it. I knew there was still something between you two!”
“Okay, just chill out for a second,” I groan, flopping back on the bed. “This doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It was just a one time thing. Maybe?”
“Was it good?” Skyler asks, intrigue dripping from her tone.
I hesitate a moment before confessing, “Yeah. Yeah, it was really damn good. But that’s not the point! I still don’t know if it’s a good idea for me to be messing around with him. He’s Carson’s best friend, after all, plus I’m still not convinced he actually likes me and not Lynn.”
“But you are Lynn,” she points out.
“Not really,” I shrug. “Lynn was the party girl version of me who needed to be released so she could go back into her box, way back in my subconscious. He doesn’t actually know me. And of course, there’s always the issue of him being a hockey player.”
She groans. “Oh my God, would you just get over that stupid rule? You’re getting in your own way!”
“Then what should I do, Sky?” I ask, desperate for some sort of guidance and direction.
“Keep an open mind,” she tells me. “Maybe Jensen isn’t like those hockey players you knew in high school. Maybe he’s actually a decent guy who really likes you. Sure, he’s Carson’s best friend, but as far as I’m concerned, Carson can eat a big bowl of dicks, so don’t let your stupid brother keep you from pursuing something that could make you happy.”
I sigh, knowing she’s right about Jensen but not wanting to admit it. “I know, I know. It’s just complicated.”
“I know,” Skyler says soothingly. “But Grace, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with someone who makes you feel alive and pushes you out of your comfort zone. If Jensen can do that for you, then why not give it a shot?”
“Because we’re two different people now,” I counter.
“Maybe,” she concedes. “Or maybe not. There are plenty of things about you that haven’t changed. You still love to hang out with your friends, and you give 100% of your focus to the people you’re with. You’re passionate and smart as hell. Those things haven’t changed.”
Maybe she’s right. Maybe I’m just letting my fears and biases get in the way of something that could actually be good for me.
“All right,” I sigh. “I’ll try to keep an open mind. Give Jensen a fair chance, if he’s still interested.”
“Oh, I have no doubt he’s still interested,” she assures me with a chuckle. “You’re a snack, baby girl. He’d be an idiot to let you slip away a second time.”
I can’t help but grin at her words.
“Thanks, Skyler,” I mumble. “You’re a lifesaver.”